The Coming Civil War

Ronald J Schoenberg
5 min readJun 13, 2022


The political divide turns irreconcilable.

(2) Ron Filipkowski 🇺🇦 on Twitter: “The ‘Michigan Volunteer Cavalry’ just held a meeting to discuss how to liberate the country from tyrannical Democrats." / Twitter

The ‘Michigan Volunteer Cavalry’ just held a meeting to discuss how to liberate the country from tyrannical Democrats.

10:50 AM · Jun 5, 2022

In backyards, living rooms, bars all over our Country, people are talking, talking about Democrats banning guns, about secularism, CRT and “grooming” in the schools. They talk about our universities being taken over by the “woke”, about the 2020 election for President being stolen.

They hear “liberals” talking about the children in schools being slaughtered in schools, but the talk of banning weapons disturbs them. Teachers objecting to being forced to carry guns and quitting teaching doesn’t bother them because they would be okay with public schools disappearing altogether. They talk about charter schools, home schooling, liberating their kids from public “secular” education.

They talk about Biden’s forgiving school debt, and see that as a gift to “woke” “liberals”, and tell each other their kids would be better off going to trade schools. A university education would only turn them into atheists.

Without spending very much time in thinking about they’re being a Republican minority in a Democratic majority country, they plot how they can take over the election process and guarantee people favorable to their view being elected.

But realizing they might not be able to carry off taking over the elections, they start talking about taking arms against the “liberals”, driving them away, back into their bastions in the Blue States like California, New York, and Red States seceding, allowing them to set up a country they’re comfortable with, where straight white men are in control.

The discussion never drifts towards things like women being forced to carry pregnancies to term, children hearing about gay’s or Lesbians, or America’s past with unfortunate events like slavery, Indigenous genocide, Jim Crow, lynchings, racial segregation. Instead the conversation extolls the magnificent contributions of Jefferson, Madison, and the Founding Fathers, the noble ideas of the Declaration of Independence and America’s Constitution, without mentioning, of course, that “all men were created equal” only referred to white men of property, and that it was another 95 years before Black men became citizens, and another 60 years after that before women became citizens.

Sometimes someone asks why there can’t be a “white pride” parade? They talk about the threat of non-white immigrants altering the very fabric of our societies, that immigrants must not replace the original culture and values of this great land.

At these meetings, in living rooms and backyards, they are dreaming of those times they remember from their childhood, moving hymns and inspiring sermons at church on Sunday, pledges of Allegiance, stirring Anthems at sporting events, a time without the dissent of gays and Lesbians, without civil rights and anti-war marches, without affirmative actions in schools or at work.

Someone will talk about being forced to vaccinate against Covid-19 or wear face coverings against their will. It’s tyranny,

They talk about a dream lost, of God and Country, dashed by evil people, liberals, communists, Marxists in the BLM, Blue States. A war is being called for, to rid them of evil, those depriving them of their God and Country.

The Crusader

She watched as he opened to package, a new gun he had purchased that day, the Crusader. He pulled the handgun out and caressed it. Stamped on the barrel was Psalm 144:1

1 Praise the LORD, my protector! He trains me for battle and prepares me for war.

2 He is my protector and defender, my shelter and savior, in whom I trust for safety. He subdues the nations under me.

He looked into her eyes, “our time may be now”.

Rachel Bovard

“Woke elites — increasingly the mainstream left of this country — do not want what we want,” she told the National Conservatism Conference, which was held earlier this month in a bland hotel alongside theme parks in Orlando. “What they want is to destroy us,” she said. “Not only will they use every power at their disposal to achieve their goal,” but they’ve already been doing it for years “by dominating every cultural, intellectual, and political institution.”

The Next American Civil War

In her book, How Civil Wars Start and How to Stop Them, Barbara F. Walter explains that potential conflict in the U.S. would be unconventional, guerilla-style warfare. It would involve loosely affiliated, decentralized “militias” attacking soft targets to turn public opinion against the government and in favor of changes the militias want.

A second American Civil War will look like a “militia” kidnapping local government officials and holding them ransom for certain political demands. Sounds crazy, doesn’t it? Except that’s what the Michigan Wolverines planned to do to Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in 2020, with one minor difference — they were going to execute her, not ransom her.

A second American Civil War will look like IEDs and hit-and-run attacks on state Capitol buildings on election day, when debating important legislation, or just because. It will feature IEDs placed at police academy graduations, subway stations, and power plants.

It will look like masses of armed protesters disrupting election certifications, forcing recounts until their candidate wins. Or failing that, protesters could force an indefinite delay in the peaceful transfer of power while investigations of “election tampering” play out against the backdrop of threats of violence.

Preparing for Civil War

The Proud Boys

In advance of Jan. 6, Rhodes and his loyalists allegedly plotted to travel to the Washington, D.C., area, heavily armed, including with thousands of dollars of weapons that Rhodes purchased on the drive east from Texas.

The militia allegedly kept a large cache of weapons across the river in Northern Virginia, with a “Quick Reaction Force” that Rhodes expected to be able to mobilize when, he hoped, Trump invoked the Insurrection Act and called up militias like the Oath Keepers into what Rhodes forecast would be a “bloody” battle against the president’s enemies.

The Coming Insurgency

What we’re heading toward is an insurgency, which is a form of a civil war. That is the 21st-century version of a civil war, especially in countries with powerful governments and powerful militaries, which is what the United States is. And it makes sense. An insurgency tends to be much more decentralized, often fought by multiple groups. Sometimes they’re actually competing with each other. Sometimes they coordinate their behavior. They use unconventional tactics. They target infrastructure. They target civilians. They use domestic terror and guerrilla warfare. Hit-and-run raids and bombs. We’ve already seen this in other countries with powerful militaries, right? The IRA took on the British government. Hamas has taken on the Israeli government. These are two of the most powerful militaries in the world. And they fought for decades.



Ronald J Schoenberg

Retired applied mathematician who is a widower with three children and seven grandchildren. Google Scholar brings up my publications.