5 Hilarious Historic Events That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud

The Reviewer
4 min readMay 16, 2023
Laughing Out Loud Comic

History is often a serious subject, but hidden within its pages lie moments of pure hilarity that can make even the sternest of historians crack a smile. From epic fails to bizarre occurrences, these funny historic events remind us that laughter transcends time. So, grab a seat, put on your humor hat, and let’s dive into the annals of history to explore five side-splittingly funny moments that will leave you in stitches.

The Great Emu War (Australia, 1932):

emu story

It was a battle like no other when the Australian government declared war on emus in 1932. These flightless birds were wreaking havoc on Western Australia’s crops, and the authorities decided to take action. The military was called in, armed with machine guns, to put an end to the emu invasion. However, the emus proved to be wily adversaries. As the soldiers opened fire, the emus scattered in chaos, making themselves difficult targets. The birds swiftly outmaneuvered the soldiers, leaving them frustrated and empty-handed. In a twist of fate, the emus won the war, and the military’s defeat against these feathery foes has become a legendary tale that still elicits chuckles today.

The Dancing Plague of 1518 (France):

dancing plague comic

In the summer of 1518 in the quaint town of Strasbourg, France, a peculiar phenomenon unfolded. It all began when a lone woman started dancing uncontrollably in the streets. Astonishingly, her frenzied dance moves infected others like a contagion, and soon, scores of people were swept up in a dancing epidemic. The town was gripped by a bizarre spectacle, as hundreds danced with unbridled energy, even to the point of exhaustion and collapse. Doctors were baffled, and the cause of this dancing plague remains an unsolved enigma. Perhaps it was history’s way of reminding us that sometimes, you just have to dance like nobody’s watching, even if the whole town joins in.

The Boston Molasses Flood (1919):

Picture this: a serene day in Boston, 1919. Suddenly, a massive storage tank holding 2.3 million gallons of molasses decides it’s time for an unconventional escape. With an explosive burst, a sticky tsunami of molasses inundates the streets, wreaking sticky havoc in its wake. People ran, stumbled, and desperately tried to escape the gooey deluge as if caught in a surreal comedy sketch. The cleanup was a messy ordeal, with residents complaining of a sweet but sickly smell for years afterward. Yes, Boston was a city swept up in molasses mayhem, reminding us that even the sweetest of substances can turn into a sticky situation.

The War of the Stray Dog (Greece, 1925):

stray dog war

History often witnesses wars fought over land, resources, or ideology. But have you ever heard of a war that started over a stray dog? In 1925, Greece and Bulgaria found themselves in a conflict born from the actions of a single canine. When a Greek soldier was shot by a Bulgarian sentry after a stray dog crossed the border, tensions escalated rapidly. Greece demanded an apology, but Bulgaria refused, sparking what would be known as the War of the Stray Dog. The ten-day war resulted in a few casualties but gained notoriety for its absurdity. It serves as a reminder that sometimes the most ludicrous causes can ignite the flames of conflict.

The Patent for Teleportation (U.S., 2015):

In a stroke of unparalleled genius or a moment of sheer absurdity, a man from the United States filed a patent application in 2015 for a groundbreaking invention: a device capable of teleporting people. Armed with detailed diagrams and elaborate descriptions of how the contraption would work, the inventor’s audacious claim had many scratching their heads in disbelief. As news of the patent spread, the world couldn’t help but marvel at the boldness of the idea. While the patent was eventually rejected by the U.S. Patent Office, one can’t help but wonder if the inventor was simply ahead of their time, or perhaps had watched one too many sci-fi movies.


In the tapestry of history, we find moments that captivate, enlighten, and entertain. These five funny historic events showcase the delightful absurdities that have dotted the human timeline. From emus outsmarting an army to a town dancing its way into bewildering history, these stories remind us that life’s quirks and comedic twists are not confined to the present day. So, the next time you delve into the annals of history, keep an eye out for those hidden gems, those laughter-inducing anecdotes that weave a playful thread through the fabric of time. After all, laughter truly is timeless, and these historical episodes serve as delightful reminders that even in the most serious of contexts, a hearty laugh can be the best time-traveling companion we could ask for.

