The Lead News
1 min readOct 25, 2023

DISCLAIMER: Fed Poly Daura Warns Against Fake Facebook Account

The attention of the Federal Polytechnic Daura, has been drawn to a fake Facebook account of the Rector, Aliyu Mamma created by scammers and hackers of his whatsapp number to defraud unsuspecting members of the public.

The management of the school described the acts as fraudulent and mischievous attempt by unscrupulous elements to defraud innocent people of their hard-earned money.

He warned members of the public to be cautioned and wary of hackers, scammers, and Yahoo-Yahoos parading themselves as Rector, of the Federal Polytechnic Daura, bearing ‘Aliyu Mamman’ samultaneously on Facebook and Watsup.

Adding that the Rector, neither uses such a combination on social media nor authorizes any individual to open a Facebook account with such names on his behalf on any social media platform.

“The names on the account and the profile pictures are fake and not authorized by the Rector.

“ Any transaction or contract deal with the scammers is purely at the owner’s risk and has nothing to do with the Rector, or Management of the Federal Polytechnic Daura”, he said