Embrace your Nakedness.

The Djedi Path
4 min readAug 19, 2023


Photo by Janosch Lino on Unsplash

Thank goodness another day is gone, and all you’ve been through may have felt like a burden, or not, but one thing is for sure, we have moved past where we once were into this moment, and this too will shift naturally into a further level.

Some days, I can hardly get up to begin the day, but in hindsight, I’ve realized this happened because I had a whole itinerary I’d already filled up my table with.

Having structured plans to live by can give us a temporary sense of stability and focus, but it plays a major role in inducing reluctance to life.

A de-cluttering of plan-logs is vital at this point. It’s not so bad going with the flow, even when our screaming analytical machines begin to throw warning signs up. That’s a risky thing to do, but life loses its vigor without such calculated risks, keeping them minimal of course.

Listening to the mood of each moment offers the best and most efficacious balance available to us. Whenever we place the filter of ideologies before our awareness this confuses the clear inspiration life in the moment has for us. Through this observation, it is possible to emphatically say many people aren’t really alive to this moment, but they live viewing the world through the lens of past occurrences and future possibilities, with no grounding in the present at all. This has a unique effect on the function of all senses; they become dulled and don’t process the sensory information coming from the world around clearly.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

This dulled sense of perception can be remedied of course, if you would only bring your attention away from vagueness and be observant of tangible phenomena. Why withdraw into your depthless psyche for so long? That doesn’t provide assistance, it only drains whatever energy you have available to exert yourself forward. The curse of the meditation practices has very much began to erode some people’s ability to be present in the now decisively. Panic attacks are produced at the slightest provocations, and you know why!

Deep down, you know hiding your head in the sand as a scared ostrich would doesn’t dispel the lust of the predator aimed at feeding off you.

That’s a funny kind of submission.

At all times, we must be truthful to ourselves and learn to accept our nakedness, in the literal and figurative sense. Nobody absolutely know what they are doing, they just wing-it and hope for the best while also preparing for a soft land if the worst hits instead. That’s Balance, that’s Zen!

Photo by Ray Albrow on Unsplash

We find that the most outspoken homophobes are usually closet queers, and political activists pushing for a revolution of the policies governing a nation have not revolutionized their very selves. This is a form of projecting false covers to hide the emptiness they often feel inside to be true. All of us are empty within, but we have the potential to be whatever we truly want to be on the outside.

At the core of every bright and radiant star is a darkness that is unfathomably deep.

If you aren’t able to keep up with your own standards, do reduce them; they are yours, and one should not become slave to whatever one has created. That’ll be a most unfortunate imprisonment only you can get out of, if you would notice you have assumed the role of the entire prison staff, and settled at the bottom of your show as the inmate.

Photo by Joshua Sortino on Unsplash

Thank goodness indeed each day doesn’t halt at our behest, and nothing we do can postpone the rising and setting of the sun. We can run westward to delay our perception of the dawn, or we could bury our heads in the sand and pretend the night is eternal, but life still goes on alternating between 0s and 1s. Have those plans dear ones, but know that they are flexible, and each moment is uniquely demanding of our attention. I’m totally rooting for you.




The Djedi Path

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