The Cloak of Justice:

Equanimity is a natural Right.

The Djedi Path
4 min readJul 13, 2023

First of, Justice is only reserved for those who are willing to take it for themselves.

The courts, and its stooges, dressed in symbolic attires, are larger pawns on the chess board, moved about by shadowy figures. For the sake of establishing confinements to sets of standards, order has been touted as the basis of Justice, but the real question to be asked is:

“Who does this order serve?”

I think we all have some inclination to whom it serves. I’ll just go ahead and say what we are all thinking:

Order, justice and whatever arises from the commingling of these two ideas, serve those aristocratic elitist personages, who parade themselves as chosen masters of the human race.

When it suits “them”, they apply it in support of the few and when it does not, they discard it and act the “Transcendentalist”, fully renouncing the mundane, becoming apostates of the very system they established at their feet. Some may want to know who exactly these self appointed chosen ones are, but do not know even if they are the very ones they seek.

No names shall be called here; No directions will be given, Only an awareness will be raised.

The cloak of Justice hides the truth, as it always has and may be likened to a “maso-sadistic” religion that closes the eyes of its followers whilst telling them to trust in mere ideas alone, hand out pain and call it heaven or even condemn the honest man and call that justice. All great empires utilize this scam to keep their subjects from claiming actual freedom thus rebelling against their imprisonment. This scam has even become something some unfortunate ones have come to admire and love; this is “Stockholm Syndrome” at its best.

I have personally witnessed many people suffer at the hands of those in power, without any other coming to their aid, and when I did come to their aid, others in power turned on me with rebuke and even wicked threats; then I got wise.

Now, I live to inspire personal justice. If one wrongs you and nobody’s calling them our on the grounds of their “sins”, do take matters into your hands and be way smarter than the devils about it. Only a thief that is caught is actually one; Only an oppressor that is evidentially revealed to be so is one. In truth, if he or she is caught, then such a one isn’t a thief or an oppressor but is a fool and fools suffer at the sting of the disciplinarian, in whatever form it may take.

Brave caution gets the canopy of protection; Cowardly foolishness gets the whip of correction.

We all should live brave and progressively harmonious lives, not stupid and suppressive ones, where is the magic in that? Logic also advices that we seek to be more, gain more and shed more too, so we can experience fullness in relatively real and tangible glory that is positively energizing to all of life. This can only be achieved when we stop waiting for justice and claim it for ourselves, but not without keen observation and reasoning. One who doesn’t know how to swim should not be advised to jump into a large pool of water at first instigation.

Learn to swim first, then you will be able to handle the push and pull of the currents, the strangeness of the depths and the possibility of encountering a predator.

Some folks go to others seeking help but do not know they’ve stepped into the mouth of patient predators; beautiful liars as they can be called, but a beautiful liar is only attractive to a Self sabotaging ego. How many times have we seen the security personnels turn in the civilians they’d been sworn to serve and protect? Or, how many other times have we witnessed so called honest men dishonestly betray those who had placed trust in them? Do the laws of the land actually exist to serve our protection, encouragement, creativity and all sorts of healthy outputs? — they mostly hinder it, and when they do not, passing through the channels designed by the “gatekeepers” of justice can be so exhausting that barely anything reasonable comes out the other side. What originally went in is drained of vitality and is left a worn out husk. Kids are taught to grow up and become adults, promised a bright future, but when they do, they are faced with oppression and shot in the streets for wanting to have what they were promised then. Nothing is actually promised my dears, but false hope is given.

Hope is an illusion that tricks you to move forward, regardless of what sanity says; so is justice.

Betrayal seems to be the best gift the judicial system can offer, as it only serves the highest bidder. If you are wealthy, sharp witted, highly creative and outspoken, it will serve thee but if you fall short of these lofty levels, apology and regret is your reward. You have an idea you wish to bring to life? — Go ahead and live it, without permission. Want to claim what your being desires? — Take it and move on; there is no justice in the wild and only the strong do thrive. The weak are meat the strong do eat. Don’t be meat, be the predator intelligently and then, you will live the life of your choosing.




The Djedi Path

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