Fractured Soul
May 23, 2024

The Boy who was Embraced by the Fire

The photo belongs to Adam Wilson on

I was that boy.
I was the one they spoke of in proverbs.

At the time I did not know such a flame could give me such warmth. I did not know the relief it would bring.

Burning the village and bridges of those who wronged me burned brighter, gave more warmth, and looked more beautiful than any regular fire gazed upon.

Now I am a man. 
I know that my heart and love mean nothing in the face of the flame that kept me alive. Especially when all others left me to hang out to dry.

Burn bright man on fire..

Fractured Soul

A lover of the melancholy, a philosopher of the arts, child of the moon filled night, gazer of horrors, and a struggler struggling onwards.