FUSION — Spark a New Era in DeFi with THENA’s Concentrated Liquidity Breakthrough

4 min readMar 28, 2023


Partnering with the best

In the world of DeFi, protocols that can adapt rapidly and innovate seamlessly are usually the most successful. In just over two months, THENA, the native liquidity layer on BNB Chain, has become a serious contender in the ecosystem:

  • Gone from 0 to $170 million in TVL
  • Reached $100 million in weekly trading volume
  • Became the number three DEX on BNB (and number one community-owned protocol) — A chain boasting nearly 600 projects

THENA’s mission is to bring ultimate modularity to the liquidity layer by catering to the diverse needs of the DeFi space with a powerful suite of products for both protocols and users.

Our goal is to revolutionize DeFi by embracing the following principles:

  1. Accessibility
  2. Efficiency
  3. Versatility
  4. Safety

Introducing FUSION, which makes concentrated liquidity accessible for the average user. Discover who we’re collaborating with and how they’re helping us shape the future. Let’s dive in!

Algebra — The Math Behind the Curtain

For years, the Uniswap’s V2 model has dominated DeFi as the go-to liquidity and reward system. Its main drawback? Capital inefficiency.

The Traditional Model

Users add liquidity, receiving tokens and trading fees in return, but the infinite price range leaves most liquidity untouched. To overcome poor price execution, DEXs need as much liquidity as possible in these pools.

The New Solution

Algebra’s model introduces next-level capital efficiency by allowing users to focus their funds with a tighter price range, focusing liquidity in these pools at the prices where it will be needed most. Not only will users be rewarded more effectively, but traders and protocols will also see better price execution.

FUSION pools go beyond a simple hard fork. They introduce dynamic fees, eliminating the need for users to switch pools to optimize fee revenue. Additionally, they support limit orders, enhancing functionality and elevating the overall user experience.

The bottom line for liquidity providers, traders, and protocols?

Collaborating with cutting-edge DeFi protocols, FUSION places the power of concentrated liquidity at everyone’s fingertips — all while simplifying the process to engage even new users.

FUSION levels the playfield

Gamma — Supercharging Active Liquidity Management

Although UniV3 addresses capital efficiency issues, it’s not perfect. Users must continuously set and reset price ranges manually to optimize liquidity, claim fees, and monitor impermanent loss risk.

Enter Gamma — who provides the composable, seamless, and user-friendly solution we’ve been looking for.

Gamma resolves these problems, allowing users to adopt the V3 model while taking a hands-off approach to their investment strategy.

Thanks to Gamma, you’ll be able to choose your range — narrow or wide — and let automation do the rest, differing from competing solutions which require active management. Time is money.

The partnerships we’re forging are dismantling previous barriers to entry, delivering profitable, retail-friendly solutions, and offering users a plethora of options to manage their funds.

Unleashing the Synergy of ve(3,3) and FUSION

At THENA, we’re committed to pushing the boundaries of innovation, striving to create the ultimate DeFi experience for liquidity providers (LPs), traders, and protocols.

Our ve(3,3) model works in harmony with the new features, completely transforming the DeFi landscape. FUSION brings together:

  • Gamma: Delivering a composable and retail-friendly platform, we eliminate barriers to entry for users of all levels.
  • Algebra: Enhancing revenue for veTHE holders through dynamic fees and achieving 10x capital efficiency via concentrated liquidity, we ensure top-tier price execution for traders.
  • ve(3,3): Providing the most cost-effective liquidity layer for protocols, adding value to emissions, and enabling effortless pool scaling.

As we continue our mission to build the best DeFi ecosystem, we’re dedicated to partnering with exceptional organizations that share our vision of bridging the gap between retail investors and decentralized applications.

Aim for the stars with us.


THENA is a trailblazing decentralized exchange (DEX) and liquidity layer built on BNB Chain, committed to revolutionizing the DeFi ecosystem. Offering a user-friendly, permissionless platform, THENA enables seamless token swaps and liquidity provision for a diverse range of assets. Our mission is to empower users and protocols with innovative solutions that cater to the ever-evolving needs of the DeFi space.

At the core of THENA’s offerings is FUSION, our groundbreaking concentrated liquidity solution developed in collaboration with Algebra and GAMMA protocols. FUSION redefines capital efficiency, dynamic fees, and limit orders, providing an unparalleled DeFi experience for users, traders, and protocols alike.

Join the THENA community as we continually innovate and strive to create THE best protocol in DeFi. Together, we’ll shape the future.

