basic: pluralism

2 min readOct 1, 2015


God is infinite. Infinity is a frontal lobe concept.

Take half of infinity and it’s still infinity.

It’s hard to understand it’s vastness with our tiny peanut, triune brain. So if God is infinite, what are the chances that one religion gets it right? Or one sect of one of those religions?

Maybe all those who are about loving something other than themselves and trying to show compassion to others contain some element of truth of the infinite God.

“Well, you’re only Christian cause of your culture. If you were born in Iran, you’d probably be a Muslim.”

Maybe. And I’d most likely be the pro-science, mystical version. But who knows. It’s speculation on both of our parts.

I do know that I find more in common with that form of Islam than a close-minded Christian. And we don’t try to convert each other, but we act as inspiration to one another to be better followers of our faith.

I think that truth calls to truth. It enhances it. It recognizes itself.

Things are seldom logical and black and white. This stuff is mostly counter-intuitive, paradoxical, and in screaming technicolor.

Screaming color that comes to us in such a complex spectrum, we can’t even see it with our 3 cone eyeballs.

This fact is why I’m a pluralist. I’m convicted of the truth of Christianity, yet I’m open to other expressions of faith and truth. I know I don’t have it all. Neither do “they” (whoever they are). And neither do you. And that’s liberating!

We are all in this together. Christians, Muslims, Atheists, Pastafarians, or whatever. We have to figure out a way to coexist.




Part Theologian. Part Dinosaur. Husband. Dad to 2 amazing kids.