The Solitary Cook
1 min readAug 21, 2017


I learned inadvertently that it was possible to give more than one clap. I pressed the button a little too hard, and the counter went wild. I think I ended up giving whatever story it was 8 claps before I jumped away from the screen. Was the current story worthy of 8 claps? Because once given, they can’t be rescinded, reduced to a less effusive level. I, like you, Mike Meyer found myself on the horns of a dilemma. What about those I had really liked, but had only given one clap, back when I thought claps functioned like little green hearts. Sort of like the Soviet system: you could recommend or not recommend. Those were your only choices. To further complicate matters, how should I interpret someone giving me just one clap? Does it mean I could — and probably should — have done better? And when it is obvious that at least some readers in a group have given me more than one clap, it would be nice to know who they are. To maybe drop a note of thanks. On the other hand, would I begin to feel resentful towards those who just gave me one? I guess it’s a good thing we don’t have more choices, though I do like the idea of the one-handed clap. It’s certainly better than a middle-finger option.

I feel a headache coming on.



The Solitary Cook

A chef writing about cooking & eating in the High Desert. Food for hundreds? No problem. For one? A different story. My story.