Hits an All-Time High in Users with 5,010,000 in March!

Theta Labs
Theta Network
Published in
2 min readApr 12, 2018, the first site to incorporate Theta Tokens to reward streamers, reached an all-time high with more than 5 million site visits in March! After a slight downturn in February, SLIVER responded with a 47% increase in visits month-over-month. And SLIVER’s popular Fortnite channel only launched at the end of the month on March 27th, so we expect April numbers to hit another record!

We’re especially proud of our average visit duration of 7:44 versus Twitch’s 6:13, which emphasizes how engaging the Watch & Win platform is. On average, users stay engaged on the site 24% longer. viewers also have a wide geographic distribution, with only Brazil making up more than 10% of site traffic in March. This is critical to the use case for the Theta Network; in countries with less developed CDN infrastructure, Theta’s peer-to-peer streaming client will most effectively raise the bandwidth quality for streaming video. and Theta will reach the next level in the coming months as the Theta testnet is launched, and as the first Theta test channel is added to users will be able to share their bandwidth with other viewers and earn Theta Tokens on our testnet, showing how the network will function ahead of our mainnet launch projected for Q4. To encourage users to try out the testnet and help us improve the Theta Network, we’ll also be offering rewards to users who earn tokens on the testnet! Stay tuned for more details on the Theta testnet integration coming soon.


The Theta Team



Theta Labs
Theta Network

Creators of the Theta Network and EdgeCloud AI — see for more info!