Channeling your Energy Constructively

Pat Molina
2 min readMar 23, 2017


It’s no surprise that at times we can all get a little emotional about the way things are going in our lives. Things that we had hoped to go well… don’t. Little things like irritations from traffic, and arguments with people tend to build up inside and cause us to feel upset at the way life is unfolding. Nevertheless, it’s crucial to find positive outlets to help you channel your energy in such a way that it’s constructive and not destructive to your life.

Harboring negative feelings and emotions can be destructive to your health. It can in very essence, put a lot of stress on your body and that stress can be damaging to your heart. Put simply, if you’re not finding a constructive way to release whatever it is that you’re feeling inside, you are destroying your health. I want to stress how important it is to deal with your emotions because it is important to your life! If you are not feeling good inside, you will suffer down the road especially with your heart health.

Fortunately, there are many things that one can do to bring you in a state where you are happier and have inner peace. Admittedly, I don’t meditate, but many do and there is a wide range of evidence showing the benefits that exist to people who meditate. It has been said that meditation is great for the mind, body and soul and can bring a sense of wholeness.

The easiest way to feel better is simply to move more and exercise. This is possibly the best thing that you can do for your life. Any form of movement, from walking, swimming, jogging etc. will have you instantly feeling better about yourself, and about life. If you can find something that you enjoy doing, and can sustain it over a long period of time, I assure you that your quality of life will improve and your longevity.

I hope that this article has made you realize the role that emotions can have on your overall health. If you don’t learn how to deal with the things that affect your life in a constructive manner, they will have negative consequences on your life. Find healthy wealthy to channel your energy into something that can be beneficial to your over all life and well being.

