The Biggest Predictor of Relationship Failure

Across cultures and over decades, this subconscious reaction continues to speak volumes about the longevity of a relationship

R. Thierney LaDuke
Published in
4 min readJan 14, 2019


Contempt Synonym Word Pic By Theirney

“Why are you looking at me like THAT?” He spat out quickly.

His voice shot me back to reality. I shook my head to snap out of it.

“Nothing. I… I… I was just looking at the cabinet behind you.” I mumbled back.

Then he did it a second time. Full on in front of me this time. To let me know exactly the disdain he felt without saying a word.

Thirty seconds prior to this exchange was the first time I caught my husband rolling his eyes to communicate contempt toward me to his best friend who was in the room with us.

My slack-jawed stare at him was due to my own naive shock. I thought we were okay? Obviously, I am mistaken, if he feels such condescension toward me being in the same room that he has a gut reaction that causes him to roll his eyes.

It felt like the truth just socked me in the jaw. But I knew what it meant, where it would most likely lead and I took heed.

When people tell you who they are, believe them! _Oprah



R. Thierney LaDuke
Gen X & Female

Freelance writer, content strategist, who believes we can read & write ourselves into happier lives with better relationships