Things Go Social
3 min readDec 18, 2017


The current buzzword in the technological universe used extensively in all spheres, “Smart Buildings”. The rampant wildfire of smart buildings and smart solutions for buildings is everywhere thanks to the evolution of the Internet of Things and thousands of sensors connecting for an integrated world. But, what is still under wraps away from the awareness of many, is the need of these smart buildings. Why do we need them?

To know the need and importance of embracing smart buildings in our livelihood we need to apprehend and address the problems in existing buildings. After all, what is wrong with them in the first place to get a new breed of buildings altogether!

The primary reason of getting smart buildings on the top of the list is the hidden cost of existing and older buildings. The two huge costs incurred by them is one on the pocket and another is on the planet.

The major reason for increased financial cost of buildings is energy inefficiency. Globally, the energy consumption of buildings, both residential and commercial has towards energy consumption, both residential and commercial, has elevated from 20% to 40% leaving behind the other major sectors, industrial and transportation. This has highlighted the need for efficient buildings to reduce the cost.

The huge operational cost of buildings is a burden on not only the tenants but also, for the owners. The inefficient energy consumption has led to wastage and increasing carbon footprint. Inefficiency in simple terms is when the object or equipment is not utilized to its full capacity leading to high operational cost and reduced productivity, which is also another addition to the hidden costs in the existing buildings.

The increased consumption is directly proportional to the carbon emissions by buildings. According to IEA, “The buildings sector is the largest energy-consuming sector, accounting for over one-third of final energy consumption globally and an equally important source of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions” increasing the environmental cost of the older buildings.

The world today needs smart buildings has now become an axiomatic statement globally for a smart city revolution. And this cannot be achieved without upgrading the existing and older buildings because as per studies at least 50% of the buildings in 2050 will have already been built. “Sustainability cannot be achieved without addressing the existing building stock. Even if every new building was a ‘sustainable building’, their impact on sustainability as a whole will be minimal for some time.” Moreover, the increasing population and their rising demand for comfort, security, and sustainability have fueled the smart buildings’ revolution.

The smart building revolution is not only a boon for the building sector alone, it will be a boon for the energy sector as well as almost over 50% of all electricity consumed is used in buildings. Thus, the energy sector will benefit substantially with huge savings that come along with efficiency.

We at Untrodden Labs are ready to give your buildings a green transformation with a one-stop hassle-free solution. Thing Green is our modular IoT device powered by TGS(ThingsGoSocial) connecting all the diverse operations of the building for complete integration and sustainable development with energy efficiency. It is the easiest way to give your buildings a smart makeover without any retrofitting or the troublesome wires, how? Read here. So, when are you making your building smart?



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