2 weeks and 1400+ pushups later… (It’s not just pushups)

Himanshu Gupta
2 min readMay 3, 2020


Captured on 29th April at 6:45 pm

To anyone who just accidentally stumbled here, this is a blog series about my progress at attempting the “30 day 100 pushups/day challenge” that started on 19 April 2020. After today’s workout, I’m exactly halfway through the challenge.

1 session = 5 * (1 set of 10 pushups, 20 jumping jacks and 10 squats).

2 sessions each day.

So the last week had more ups and downs than I could anticipate.

For the good part, I worked on all the challenges I laid out for myself for the week.

  1. Throughout the last 7 days, I continued doing 10 squats before each pushup set — taking the total to 700 squats.
  2. The most intense workout session was completed in 11 mins on the evening of 29th April — the same day the featured image of this article was taken.
  3. I’ve incorporated 2 sets of diamond pushups per session. It just felt doable from the start of the last week. Out of the 100+ pushups done in a day, 40 are diamond pushups.

Since including the diamond pushups, I changed my first set of incline pushups to the standard pushup. And I don’t stop at 10 — I continue till exhaustion (~17 atm). 💪

I also focused on stretching, and have decided not to shorten the 20 min workout window. It’s proper and fits perfectly in my everyday schedule.

Also changed is the topping of my post-workout meal — from chocos to oat rich Crunchyyy Granola. 😋

On to the “not so good” part now. I couldn’t get up early on 3 out of 7 days. There are reasons for that, but I think I could’ve done better. And that’s also my challenge for this week — to get my evening and morning rituals in check.

Cheers! ✌️

