People Are Saying That a Famous Statue, “The Thinker,” Has Changed — What Do You Remember?

Think On Your Own
3 min readAug 16, 2023


The claim is that a well-known statue by Auguste Rodin named “The Thinker,” which shows a man in deep contemplation, has come into question due to the Mandela Effect.

Many people say that the statue has changed from its original pose to a new posture never before seen. Some people even say that this is the third time it’s happened.

“What makes my Thinker think is that he thinks not only with his brain, with his knitted brow, his distended nostrils and compressed lips, but with every muscle of his arms, back, and legs, with his CLENCHED fist and gripping toes.” — Auguste Rodin

Here are the three possibilities people claim they remember, but which one do you think is the correct pose?

Maybe this will help: George Bernard Shaw used to model for Auguste Rodin and posed for this famous photo the night of the unveiling of The Thinker.

1906 Carbon print on platinotype

Where this gets strange: There are many books written that include descriptions of this famous statue, but they no longer agree with each other. From our perspective, a plethora of books have been published with the wrong description of this statue and it went undetected until JAN 2019. It’s as though we all suddenly became aware of the mistakes simultaneously but not for all the years those books were circulating.

Poems have been written that reference this statue in a descriptive manner that no longer makes any sense due to the fact that the statue doesn’t fit the description.

The statue has been reproduced in movies but doesn’t match the statue currently on display in the museum. Like for example, in the famous movie “Night At The Museum.”

Even stranger: People in photos imitating the statue don’t match the statue. It would seem they either can’t see the statue correctly or refuse to pose in the same manner.

Far stranger still: Products for sale online have descriptions that don’t match the statue being displayed in the sales window.

Product Description
The Thinker Sculpture by Auguste Rodin is one of the most famous pieces of art in the last two hundred years. It is easily Rodin’s most celebrated piece. This is a fine copy of the thinking man in his famed hunched pose
with his fist on his forehead. Many wonder if he is contemplating or grieving. Regardless, you need this replica if you admire Rodin’s work.

Clearly, this goes beyond a memory issue.



Think On Your Own

I’m a Polymath Philosopher. I seek to make clear that which is hidden in plain sight.