This Girl Can: Lydia and windsurfing

This Girl Can
2 min readApr 5, 2018


I was always a sporty person, but I’d never found the right sport. I tried lots of different things and eventually I tried windsurfing at Glossop Sailing club. Before my first session I was quite nervous; I’d never windsurfed before and didn’t know anyone there.

As soon as I walked into the club, I was greeted by a friendly welcome and instantly knew I would fit right in. We did some on-shore practicing on a simulator rig, and then we got out on the water. At first, I couldn’t even stand up on the board without falling in. I realised it wasn’t going to be as easy as it looked. Our instructor, Viki, gave us lots of tips and after many failed attempts, I finally got the hang of it. Over the season, we learnt all the moves to turn the rig and steer round the lake. I loved it!

The sport has provided me with so many opportunities and lots of new career options. In the three years that I have been windsurfing, I’ve become confident on the board and happy to go out in all winds.

I have achieved my Assistant Instructor qualification, my RYA first aid certificate, and my level 2 powerboat driving license. Next year, I’m aiming for an Instructor’s certificate: with these qualifications, I can take summer jobs teaching in the Mediterranean.

I have been competing in Midlands T15 competitions for two years now. This is a series of events in the summer where teams of young windsurfers from across the region come together to race. The best part of T15 is that whatever ability you are, there are others with the same skills. T15 gave me confidence to pursue my love of racing.

Last year I was selected for the RYA North & Midland Zone Squad, after coming Second Girl in the regional championships. The Zone Squads give keen young sailors world-class coaching and support, and the very best compete in the British Youth Sailing Team and travel around the world. I’m meeting young people from all over the country and have made lots of new friends. Zone Squad has challenged me and inspired me to share my knowledge by teaching others.

To anyone thinking of taking part in this sport, I would say go for it: it’s exhilarating, rewarding and ‘gnarly’. And the best part? Anyone can do it.



This Girl Can

This Girl Can celebrates the active women everywhere who are doing their thing no matter how they do it, how they look or even how sweaty they get.