Loneliness sufferers and prison inmates find Relief in VR environments.

Zen @ ThisIsMeInVR.com
3 min readJan 1, 2017


by Zen @ — www.ThisIsMeInVR.com

The Frozen North may be the first to embrace Virtual Reality and 360 videos.

According to Google Search Metrics the Canadian prairies and northern territories are the source of the most searches on buying Virtual Reality devices in Canada. They could be helpful in treating S.A.D. symptoms and feelings of isolation.

Perhaps the marketplace will explode in arctic and antarctic research stations and even become a standard device to have available when your job entails spending prolonged periods of time in the cold depths of the ocean or the loneliness of space.

Submariners, Astronauts, People who spend prolonged periods of time in social isolation may find that Virtual Reality immersion provides a subconscious sense of human interaction where previously not available.

Prisoners of weather, introversion or even society (incarceration) may find some relief in 360 VR video content. (the combination of 360 video and VR)

This notion has been in trial , the consensus on whether inmates should be allowed access to the freedom of movement that VR does offer has yet to be decided.

It should be addressed soon.

The entire concept of prison is to limit travel freedom and social interaction.

The very thing that VR technology allows.

What are your thoughts? Should inmates be denied access to VR devices?

It seems that Virtual Reality mental hijacking is a perfect solution to confinement for prolonged periods. Your body may not get the physical activity but your mind can take a journey to anywhere in the world and for a short time your actual location becomes irrelevant.

Time will tell if the adoption of this technology is embraced for therapeutic uses.

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Zen @ ThisIsMeInVR.com

Zen is a Canadian innovator specializing in Ai/AR/VR/360video tech R&D, UI/UX GenerativeAi Prompt Engineering & Metaverse Strategy Consulting Servives.