Human Evolution: Digitization is a bigger GameChanger than expected! *360VR*

Zen @
2 min readJan 2, 2017


by Zen—

Language has been digitizing for a very long time into codes that we share and disseminate. Everything from spoken word, Morse Code and written words. It was a genius move, we digitized our thoughts and never looked back. Nature imitating Nature, in this way human language started acting like viruses, allowing us to share knowledge and information between each other.

Books and text writing also went Digital long ago. Hard copy information could be condensed, copied and sent all over the world. Amazing. Photos have also gone Digital, from Polaroids to jpgs, it’s been an amazing transition. The internet is now populated with digital information from around the world. There was a time when all personal music was on a hard object. A record, a tape or a disc. Personal computing devices and the internet changed all of that. Files became the new thing, wavs, mp3s, mp4s, etc…. Much simpler to carry, make or share.

Now something entirely unexpected has gone digital. Time and Space. Yeah, I know right? When a moment of TIME (activity or event), or a real location in Space (even outer space) are captured with a 360 Camera, then that information is converted into Digital. Wow. Suddenly , Experiences can be shared globally the same way information is currently shared today.

This is a Game Changer for the human race. We now exist in a world were billions of people could (at the exact same moment) share in an event or experience from a single perspective. The implications of this are FAR reaching. Entertainment will be the first to benefit, then Politics, then someday soon: Education. The whole world could attend a 3 day Lecture on “Simple steps for a better world” Presented by the greatest minds on our planet.

Just like when religious texts were disseminated globally it changed the world, I believe we may see similar amazing results with the release of a single unified network of shared experiences? Well, YouTube 360 videos and Virtual Reality Devices aka 360VR are here, so we will soon find out.



Zen @

Zen is a Canadian innovator specializing in Ai/AR/VR/360video tech R&D, UI/UX GenerativeAi Prompt Engineering & Metaverse Strategy Consulting Servives.