They say we are the product of our experiences. Now with 360 video…. Experiences are becoming products.

Zen @
2 min readJan 1, 2017


by Zen —

The internet connected the world and because of it we all have access to shared knowledge. We also have access to even more content (for a small fee). Virtual Reality is bringing us the ability to create and access worlds where with global access the experiences also gets split into shared (public) and Private (sold)

In this new world, using a 360 camera to capture a moment, a location, an experience is the generation of more than just a “video clip”. It’s a Virtual Reality Experience anyone could access, if you choose to share to the world.

Your most treasured life experiences, if captured, may now become some of your valuable commodities. Your best experiences for sale, live my life for 1 hr , only $ 2 or something to that effect.

Movies such as NERVE (also avail on GearVR as game demo) highlight the growing trend of live streaming your life to the world. Advertising revenues or patronage being the income method for quality content providers. (it’s the basis for YouTubing) With the advent of 360 camera and video technology and its integration with VR devices, it is only inevitable where this is all headed.

Paid attendance to the most interesting experiences, the best classrooms, the best seats at a show, the most amazing night out. For examples of innovators in this industry check out YouTube, Live.360, Sony PlayStation or Facebook/Oculus.

Experiences as products for sale. Weird.

Take a look at the few hundred 360 videos I’ve made public. My captured moments shared with you.



Zen @

Zen is a Canadian innovator specializing in Ai/AR/VR/360video tech R&D, UI/UX GenerativeAi Prompt Engineering & Metaverse Strategy Consulting Servives.