Zen @ ThisIsMeInVR.com
6 min readSep 4, 2018


TIME TRAVEL (and access to the 4th Dimension) IS NOW POSSIBLE!

skip to the row of ******** if you don’t like physics.

Our Sun is in motion, out on one of its’ extended “arms”, it orbits the center of our milky way galaxy, (It is one of many solar systems swinging around at incredible speeds).

Circling around that star you can find us, Earth, another planetary body in motion, traveling through space ….. and time.

Time is measured by space, and space can be measured by time.

To travel through space IS to travel through time.

To travel through time, you must know the position in space you wish to be at before you depart. Temporal and Spacial Coordinates.

Time moves forwards, as do we.

Now let’s talk about moving backwards. Time Travel.

We often refer the fourth dimension as time, By this we should mean Space/Time.

You see, they have a relationship, they are interlinked. Together they form a Doorway to ‘when’ and ‘where’.

And with a recent technological discovery, we have created a digital KEY.


Are you aware of the fact that we now have access to this dimension and it’s traveling capabilities?

You are now.

by merging #360video #technology with #VirtualReality devices. You can now be anywhere, anywhen with anyone.

360 type capture devices are the portal markers, and VR devices are the telepresence key for your mind.

This location here, where we are meeting virtually, no longer exists IRL. It can only be visited in the past as a virtual space. A captured moment (video actually) that can be re -experienced alone or shared with others. — Imagine a birth, baby’s first steps, a graduation, concerts, sporting events, weddings or even spending time with a loved one long after they’ve passed.

Your body stays in this dimension but your mind can roam through space/time. You can Relive past moments or place your mind and a body substitute ‘avatar’ and share interpersonal experiences with other traveling minds.

You quite literally can take your mind through journeys through space and backward through time!


It should be the cover of every magazine and newspaper. Shouted from every rooftop and news/radio broadcast station.

Using 360 type capture devices where geo spatial position & timestamp are recorded creates access points, “doorways”, VR devices allow you to enter! (and some AR portals can provide glimpses to)

We can now share Experiences , locations, and ‘presence’ aka telepresence with the same simplicity of sharing information on the internet.

I might sound crazy but I’ve captured thousands of moments of time that I can now relive and share. Moments I’ve re-experienced from new perspectives, moments that would’ve otherwise been lost forever.

Mirror copy of earth , overlays for AR and AI navigation are multiplying rapidly:

I’m surprised to say it but Stephen Hawking was wrong. He just didn’t have a blackhole camera, he could’ve captured that birthday, (or his funeral) in 360 and we could all go back in time to attend it.

The Technology in this area is advancing very rapidly right now. This is only one of many amazing recent breakthroughs.

PsychoSensory hacking is at the core of it, and innovators are making great strides.

The devices themselves are becoming smaller, and more efficient, becoming seamless with our lives, while providing us new tools to filter our world.

Some amazing new devices on the way…

This will forever shift our culture towards some amazing NEW places.

At least in regards to Social systems of Education, Work and Travel


This should be Headline news on EVERY channel !

These Techno-Adaptations are giving us an evolutionary edge in our environment. Methods to more rapidly calibrate and adapt to the challenges of survival.

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Zen @ ThisIsMeInVR.com

Zen is a Canadian innovator specializing in Ai/AR/VR/360video tech R&D, UI/UX GenerativeAi Prompt Engineering & Metaverse Strategy Consulting Servives.