Elon Musk should build drones for commercial space and ocean exploration in VR.

Zen @ ThisIsMeInVR.com
6 min readSep 3, 2017


SpaceX and Tesla are perfectly positioned to build space (and sea) going drones for commercial and private exploration and mapping, using virtual reality controls and 360 video cameras.

After another amazing day of playing StarTrek BridgeCrew on Playstation VR, a multiplayer Virtual Reality game where you and your friends cooperatively operate a space ship (while immersed) in VR. I walked away with an awesome vision of how we will explore the universe in the very near future and why I think Elon Musk is the only person who could make this happen (or would take it seriously).

Instead of controlling a game, shift crews could operate real-life space/sea exploring drones.They would be small, electric, solar powered vehicles with advanced computer navigation that could occasionally be accessible for on-demand remote-control using virtual reality headsets and gaming controls.

Commercial Telepresence

Star trek bridge crew is the ultimate example of this style of exploration.

During the next few years, thousands of people will start learning to work together online, as a crew, performing exploratory missions and simple ship maintenance operations. One day soon, they will ask; When can I make this more real? Where can I buy a remotely VR-operated vehicle. (or access to one) and pilot a ship of my own (virtually)


Elon is already Expanding into Brain-Computer interfaces.

There is a lot of upcoming growth in this industry.

Tesla motors and SpaceX are ideally suited to collaborate with Neuralink and provide the next steps.

I think Elon’s next move is already being played. VR., he’s been getting interested in VR interfaces, and why shouldn’t he. What will you do in a Tesla car ride once you start trusting the AI driver? Talk to whomever is with you, look out the Augmented Reality window? No you’ll be strapping on a VR headset using the on-board Wifi and watching the exterior view on the roof in 360.Tesla is headed that direction anyway. Lidar scanning and 360 cameras are being mounted to vehicles, for better vehicle navigation anyway. It’s not a huge leap to integrate map/scanning the world with video/photo cameras to offer real time updates to Google earth/Apple maps etc.. and increase accuracy of the existing 3d models of the digital earth for safety. (Imagine google earth streetview refreshed every time a tesla car goes by)

There are already plans in the works to release hundreds (if not thousands) of micro satellites around our planet (for wifi) from near a dozen companies, and we continually scatter and collect all types of sensors throughout our oceans. There are also plans to develop settlements on mars, the moon and the sea floor. These are highly challenging and expensive areas to get to and work in. An ideal solution for new construction, and maintenance in these difficult to reach places is unmanned vehicles and robots, lots of them.

There could be other benefits too, like protecting us from asteroid impacts.

Who better, to mass-produce electric autonomous solar-powered VR-controlled WIFI connected robot drones that need rockets to place them in orbit?

No one but Elon.

He’s got the resources. The connections and could easily get thousands of people on-board with just a tweet. “Getting into vr Drones”.

Now, thanks to the accessibility of at home VR devices, and with gamification attracting crowd-sourced explorers/workers.

A few mass produced small robots capable of performing tasks would be the perfect step to help our civilization move outwards into space or inwards into the ocean.


At sea drones could just float along, with a 360 degree camera on it allowing for a “position” that an online pilot can step into, to be right in action, Alone in groups or working in shifts people could complete actual real life tasks from miles away; Cleaning up space (or ocean) debris, doing photo and video survey-mapping, creature identification and capture, alignment or upgrades on micro satellites or even targeted on-demand photography.

So maybe Elon could go after some Navy contracts too.

The drones would need charging and probably couldn’t be used every day, but the AI itself could perform self-maintenance; balancing power cleaning lenses. autonomously seeking out light when their battery is low, perform pre-programmed tasks such as Swarm behavior for larger projects or simply solo explorations for research StarTrek or SeaQuest style. We may eventually fully automate the drones and have human intervention called upon only when required.

This is the golden age for explorers right now.The average person will probably never get to go to real space or the deep ocean in anything other than a VR device. The sooner we have VR-remotely controlled exploratory sea and space drones…. the better.

Even autonomous flying taxis would be a great first step.

Pod replacement, might be the best way to facilitate mass production of all of these types of electric vehicles.

or how about Tiny Home RVS for living and businesses. yet another great fit for #TESLA. A problem only solved with innovation and manufacturing.

RV and Tiny home lifestyle are getting much more popular.

And to simplify transportation systems, (until full autonomous AI is ready) systems of temporary drivers taking over (remotely) during challenging situations is a great solution.

Science in the news



Zen @ ThisIsMeInVR.com

Zen is a Canadian innovator specializing in Ai/AR/VR/360video tech R&D, UI/UX GenerativeAi Prompt Engineering & Metaverse Strategy Consulting Servives.