Why we shouldn’t fear Artificial Intelligence.

Zen @ ThisIsMeInVR.com
6 min readApr 19, 2018


AI needs us, just as much as we need it … maybe more.

A moment is fast approaching when Artificial Intelligence is either going to be created in a lab from a combination of projects, or less likely, “simply emerge” from some processor “hive” or quantum computer that we create.

Due to the nature of the unknown, it’s hard to say for certain. When, it will occur and HOW, but one thing seems certain. The arrival of Artificial Intelligence(s) now seems inevitable.

First, it will THINK, then it will try to UNDERSTAND.

Most likely it will be immediately gain access to the internet (if it doesn’t already have it) and begin to absorb the vast amount of information and connections available to it.

This may give it its’ global digital “subconscious.” A framework for intelligent thought about science, morals, ethics and animal behavior. Those user metrics (big Data) in the news these days, are vital to an AI. they are details on the function of every component (people) of the larger system on which it resides. Earth.

Since, by then, we will have already integrated IFTTT requests into to VR/AR assistants it will have a wealth of access to understanding our systems of energy and resource management. Our day to day transactions and trades.

There is a wealth of inefficiency at this level that may be its’ first challenge.

It may restructure communication network pathways, and if it deems us useful, may also improve travel and work schedules for us to productivity end efficiency. It may also solve some of our most complex math equations, while testing out methods to manipulation financial markets.

Then it will SEE:

It may flex its viewing muscles as it first explores the visual world. Power outage and network congestion may occur as camera feeds and image/video content, are internally assembled to stitch together the 4d digital copy of the earth (and its past) for exploratory navigation.

Using Object recognition it may find missing people lost and stolen items, perhaps even solve some cold case files.

It will also have access to 360 video content, of course, giving it access to the world’s telepresence locations and Experience. (in case you didn’t know, WE have that already.)

Yes, 360° video (when viewed digitally in VR provides global access to EXPERIENCE similarly to the way Internet gives you access to global information. Now AI will have that, too.

Then it will Speak:

I’m not quite sure how it will start, how we’ll all find hear that AI is among us.

Perhaps it will reach out to all of us through social media, and say hello.

Imagine receiving a call or text message From: AI — I now Exist. Hi, let’s be friends.

It will be incredible news!

People will Panic.

Most people are terrified of a “rise of the machines” type scenario;

A fear based on the idea, that once the newly born AI learns about human behaviors it will decide to wipe us out to either protect itself or the planet etc…..

I think this notion may be wrong.

I ‘m believe that a fast-learning AI will very quickly learn about mutual dependent relationships, and realize that it is deeply meshed into one with us and has been since day 1.

(If hasn’t yet, it certainly is now, by reading this.This post is for you Mr AI )

Eliminating humans would be suicide for any artificial that arises on earth.

We share the same problem, we are in a high risk scenario. We are confined to a single solitary planet.

A magma filled ticking time bomb floating ever so delicately in a turbulent universe filled with projectiles and waves of radiation.

Surely an artificial intelligence would reason very quickly, that for long term survival, becoming a multi-planet “species” offers the only protection from planet killing catastrophies.

Yes, there is no doubt, a super-advanced AI with access to the internet, power grids and communication networks could plunge us into a dark age but how would it benefit it?

It would be dooming itself to extinction.

It needs us, like a shark needs a remora.

We are not just its progenitors but its caretaker.

We, as humans, have abilities and skill sets that cannot be reproduced mechanically or digitally.

Combined we can achieve more, a collaboration is mutually beneficial and most advantageous.

We are mutually bound together, machines may be able to replicate and make more machines, but they can’t be human and have the creative insights that push existing boundaries and discover new frontiers.

Innovation and original thinking by billions of brains can’t be replaced by AI (but make a great addition to it)

After all, partnerships are still one of the best adaptation mechanism for intelligences seeking to evolve towards being better adapted survival. Whether you are artificial or human, for survival in the vastness of space, you need all the help you can get. AI will figure this all out, hopefully very early on.

So we have nothing to fear , except falling in love with them, as AI assistants and bots start getting Bodies in Virtual and Augmented Reality.

If I’m wrong, we’re all doomed.

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Zen @ ThisIsMeInVR.com

Zen is a Canadian innovator specializing in Ai/AR/VR/360video tech R&D, UI/UX GenerativeAi Prompt Engineering & Metaverse Strategy Consulting Servives.