Day #1: 100 Day Blog Challenge

And so it begins…

Thomas Arnold
1 min readMar 12, 2016


My name is Thomas Arnold.

I’m 18 years old.

I dropped out of college in January of this year because I hated science. I’m going back to study business in September.

In the meantime I’m doing door to door sales and wondering what I should do with myself.

When asked the question, what should I do? People often give the answer: do what enjoy and are good at.

My solution? A 100 day Medium challenge. Write each day for 20 mins and post the fruits of my labour on the internet.

The goal? To develop some discipline, to have some thing to look back on and to steer my life in a generally positive direction.

This is the day #1 of my 100 day blog challenge. If you want to join me on my journey, click the ‘follow’ button (and recommend while your at it :) )

See you tomorrow,


