10 Unsolved Mysteries in Medieval Times: Puzzles That Still Baffle Experts

Thomas Crane
5 min readJun 9, 2023

The medieval period, spanning from the 5th to the 15th century, was a time of great cultural, social, and political change. It witnessed the rise and fall of kingdoms, the spread of religion, and the emergence of remarkable architectural marvels. However, amidst the grandeur and achievements of the era, there are several unsolved mysteries that continue to puzzle historians and experts to this day. These enigmatic puzzles have captivated the imagination of researchers, leaving them with more questions than answers. In this article, we will explore ten of these unsolved mysteries in medieval times and delve into the intriguing world of the past.

1. The Voynich Manuscript

The Voynich Manuscript is an enigmatic illustrated codex believed to have been written in the early 15th century. It is written in a mysterious language or code that has yet to be deciphered. The text is accompanied by intricate illustrations of plants, celestial charts, and human-like figures, adding to the intrigue. Despite numerous attempts, the meaning and purpose of this manuscript remain shrouded in mystery.

2. The Princes in the Tower

In 1483, two young princes, Edward V and Richard of Shrewsbury, mysteriously disappeared from the Tower of London. The boys, aged 12 and 9, were the sons of King Edward IV and were next in line to the throne. Their fate remains unknown, and speculation surrounding their disappearance has fueled countless theories, including murder and abduction.

3. The Turin Shroud

The Turin Shroud is a linen cloth bearing the image of a man believed to be Jesus Christ. It is revered as a religious artifact by many, but its authenticity has been a subject of debate for centuries. Radiocarbon dating has placed its origin in the medieval period, but the method used for its creation remains a mystery, with no definitive explanation for the image formation.

4. The Lost Roanoke Colony

In 1587, a group of English settlers established a colony on Roanoke Island, off the coast of present-day North Carolina, USA. However, when a supply ship arrived in 1590, the colonists had vanished without a trace. The only clue was the word “Croatoan” carved into a tree. The fate of the Lost Roanoke Colony has remained one of America’s oldest unsolved mysteries.

5. The Holy Grail

The Holy Grail, the cup believed to have been used by Jesus Christ at the Last Supper, has been a legendary and sought-after artifact since medieval times. Countless quests and legends have been woven around the Holy Grail, but its actual existence and location remain unknown. The Grail has become a symbol of spiritual enlightenment and the quest for eternal life.

6. The Dancing Plague of 1518

In the summer of 1518, a bizarre phenomenon took hold of the city of Strasbourg in present-day France. People began to dance uncontrollably in the streets, unable to stop despite exhaustion and physical pain. The dancing epidemic spread and lasted for several weeks, resulting in deaths due to exhaustion, heart attacks, or strokes. The cause of the Dancing Plague remains a mystery, with theories ranging from mass hysteria to poisoning.

7. The Green Children of Woolpit

In the 12th century, two children with green-colored skin mysteriously appeared in the village of Woolpit in England. The children, a boy and a girl, spoke an unknown language and would only eat beans. Eventually, they adapted to their new surroundings and lost their green hue. The origins of these green children and their homeland remain a perplexing medieval mystery.

8. The Codex Gigas

The Codex Gigas, also known as the Devil’s Bible, is the largest medieval manuscript in the world. It is believed to have been created in the 13th century by a monk who supposedly made a pact with the devil to complete it in a single night. The manuscript contains a variety of texts, including the Bible, medical texts, and spells. The mystery lies in the sheer size of the book and the incredible feat of its creation within such a short period. How was it accomplished, and what motivated the monk to undertake such a daunting task?

9. The Death of Charles the Good

Charles the Good, Count of Flanders, met a violent end in 1127 when he was assassinated during a religious service in Bruges. His murder sparked intrigue and political unrest in the region. Although the assassins were identified and punished, the motives behind the killing remain a mystery. Was it a political assassination, a result of personal vendetta, or a conspiracy involving rival factions? The true reasons behind Charles the Good’s death have eluded historians for centuries.

10. The Building Techniques of Gothic Cathedrals

Gothic cathedrals, such as Notre-Dame de Paris and Chartres Cathedral, are renowned for their awe-inspiring architecture and intricate designs. The construction of these massive structures posed significant engineering challenges for medieval builders. The mystery lies in the precise techniques and tools used to create such masterpieces without the aid of modern technology. How were these colossal cathedrals designed and built? The intricate details and precision of their construction continue to baffle experts and inspire wonder.

These ten unsolved mysteries of medieval times offer a glimpse into the fascinating and often perplexing aspects of the era. From cryptic manuscripts to vanished civilizations and unexplained phenomena, they remind us of the gaps in our understanding of history. As technology and research methods advance, there is hope that some of these mysteries may be unraveled, shedding light on the secrets of the past.

However, the allure of these enigmas lies not only in finding concrete answers but also in the imaginative possibilities they present. They fuel our curiosity, encourage exploration, and remind us that despite the passage of time, there are still puzzles waiting to be solved. The medieval period continues to hold its secrets tightly, leaving us with a sense of wonder and an enduring fascination with the mysteries that remain unsolved.

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Thomas Crane

I am a part-time writer and I strive to empower others whether through personal essays or captivating fiction and motivate those who engage with them.