Why I’ve Sworn Off KFC: A Tale of Terrible Service, Salty Food, and Overpriced Meals

Thomas Crane
4 min readSep 6, 2023


Fast food has become an integral part of modern life, offering convenience and a quick fix for our cravings. Among the many fast-food giants, KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) stands out as a global brand renowned for its fried chicken. However, my personal experiences with KFC have left me with a bitter taste in my mouth, figuratively speaking. In this article, I will explain why I have decided never to eat at KFC again, citing the abysmal service, excessively salty food, and exorbitant prices as my primary reasons.

The Dismal Service

Customer service is a fundamental aspect of any dining experience, and KFC, in my experience, has consistently fallen short in this department. The quality of service at a restaurant can greatly affect one’s perception of the overall experience. Sadly, KFC has failed me on numerous occasions.

a) Inefficiency: KFC outlets often seem understaffed and ill-equipped to handle the volume of customers they attract. Long lines and wait times have become the norm. Waiting for my order for an extended period, only to receive cold, undercooked chicken, is not an enjoyable experience.

b) Unfriendly Staff: The attitude of the staff at KFC outlets, at least the ones I’ve visited, has left much to be desired. Rarely have I encountered a friendly or welcoming demeanor. It seems as if the employees are more interested in getting through their shifts than in ensuring customer satisfaction.

c) Order Accuracy: Another recurring issue has been the frequent errors in my orders. Whether it’s missing items, incorrect orders, or mixed-up sauces, KFC has consistently failed to provide what I’ve paid for.

The Excessive Salt Content

One of the most critical aspects of fast food is taste. However, KFC’s quest for flavor seems to have led them down a dangerous path — excessive saltiness. While some degree of salt is expected in fried chicken, KFC often crosses the line.

a) Health Concerns: High sodium intake is linked to a host of health problems, including hypertension, heart disease, and stroke. When I noticed that KFC’s food was making me excessively thirsty and bloated, I decided to look into it. The shocking levels of salt in their recipes are a significant concern, as they put customers’ health at risk.

b) Overpowering Flavor: While some enjoy a salty kick in their food, KFC’s chicken often reaches a point where the saltiness overpowers any other flavors. This not only ruins the dining experience but also masks the natural taste of the chicken.

c) Lack of Balance: A well-prepared meal should have a balance of flavors. KFC’s approach seems to rely heavily on salt to compensate for any other shortcomings in their recipes, leading to an unbalanced and unsatisfying meal.

The Overpriced Menu

Pricing plays a pivotal role in any dining experience, and KFC’s menu, in my opinion, does not justify its price tag.

a) Inflated Costs: KFC’s menu items, especially their combo meals, tend to be significantly overpriced compared to other fast-food options. Paying a premium for subpar service and excessively salty food is simply not justifiable.

b) Value for Money: The portion sizes at KFC have also been a disappointment. When compared to similar-priced offerings at other fast-food chains, KFC often falls short in terms of value for money.

c) Hidden Costs: Moreover, the frequent upselling and add-ons at KFC can inflate your bill without much added benefit. It’s easy to end up spending more than intended due to these tactics.


While KFC may have a loyal fan base and a rich history, my personal experiences have led me to make a definitive decision: I will never eat at KFC again. The abysmal service, excessively salty food, and overpriced menu items have left me with little reason to return.

It’s important to note that these are my personal experiences, and your mileage may vary. Some KFC locations may offer better service and food quality than others. However, based on my encounters, I believe there are better fast-food options available that provide a more enjoyable dining experience without breaking the bank or jeopardizing one’s health.

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Thomas Crane

I am a part-time writer and I strive to empower others whether through personal essays or captivating fiction and motivate those who engage with them.