IOTA, The Crypto Revolution

4 min readNov 21, 2021


What happens the day the market see what IOTA is doing?

Sometimes the announcements concerning partnerships and news within the general crypto space is cringeworthy due to project founders hyping partnerships that often don’t actually exist. Thatsaid, not all coins are this way.

For example, IOTA has some major companies backing them up, but often there is silence about the details of their involvement. Why? Well, major companies like to take their time and to make sure everything is “on point” before going public. While other coins can have three announcements around the same news event in a single week, IOTA’s approach appears to be more patient.

So, to the question at hand. What will happen once the general crypto space gets aware of IOTA? Sure many has heard of it, but for 99% of the space, its just another coin.

In terms of the tech, it solves all the problems other cryptos face. You heard it here first: when IOTA is complete, it will make most other cryptos obsolete. It will be a major win for the space, not only for technological innovation, but for your own financial benefit as well.

What will happen if the market also begins to recognize what the IOTA foundation are doing and who they are doing it with? Let’s just say that real world adoption (not pure speculation) should be the goal of any legit DLT project.

Let us take a quick look at Project Alvarium, for example. This is a collaboration between IOTA, Intel, Dell, Linux Foundation, ARM,and IBM, (at least these are the publicly revealed partners at this point). Read about it here:

Then there is the EU…yes, the European Union. They have several projects under development involving IOTA. The ramifications of these projects are significant, and currently the IOTA protocol is a top-ranked contender to be a major DLT infrastructure solution for the EU. To learn more about this google the following terms: IOTAEBSI, IOTA CHAISE, IOTA INATBA, or read about it in the link below.

IOTA is working alongside several governments as well to create Smart Cities.

Some examples include Germany, Norway, Japan, Korea, the state of Texas (USA), and Canada. If you are interested in reading more about these projects, do a google search for “IOTA,” along with the area you are curious about. I have provided a link to a major project in Germany, which is called Alfried, below.

Additionally, there is the partnership with STMicroelectronics.

Most likely, you have not heard of them. However, they are Europe’s largest data chip producer. They make chips for literally EVERYTHING. They are chip suppliers for Tesla and Apple, just to name a few, and probably are included in most of the electronics you own. IOTA is already integrated into their technology. Now that is adoption you won’t find anywhere else in the crypto space! Read more about it here:

Jaguar Land Rover is building a digital car wallet for their cars. Off course buildt on IOTA. Imagne that, ur car has to pay with IOTA to charge, park, toll etc. IOTA is also close with most of the other car companies in standardization groups.

Zebra Technology is also using IOTA technology. They are a very large tech company in the USA.

Lastly, and definitely not least among what has been mentioned above, is the Object Management Group (OMG). Several IOTA based solutions are in the process of becoming the world-wide standards. This will enable companies and industries around the world to interface using the same solution in various areas, such as data streams, smart contracts, etc. Read more here:

This is just a few of the major projects IOTA is involved with, and there is only more to come. Speculation is that there is some seriously big stuff behind the scenes.

As it stands now, my excitement about IOTA and its potential is at its peak. They recently released news about the upcoming Shimmer Network ($SMR), which is a staging network/token where they will publicly battle-test test upgrades (with real financial stakes) prior to their implementation on the IOTA mainnet. This is comparable to the Kusama Token from Polkadot, only with the IOTA technology backing it instead. The distribution of the SMR token will start very soon. All you need to do to take part and receive the new Shimmer token ($SMR), is download the IOTA Firefly wallet, transfer IOTA tokens to your wallet, and once it is ready, “stake” your MIOTA for SMR tokens. For each MIOTA you hold, you gain 1 SMR token every 10 seconds. This staking period will last for 90 days. Following this, you will be able to stake your SMR tokens for more SMR tokens (once the Shimmer Network launces), with an APR of 8%. In addition to this, there are a lot of exciting new projects being built on IOTA. DEX`s like Tanglesea and projects like SoonLabs, which offers DAO Solutions and several other exciting modules, are just a few of the projects set to launch in the near future. These will be key platforms where the IOTA token holders will be able to secure “first-mover” advantage, thus reaping the financial rewards from early involvement. This coming future is truly exciting if you can manage to wrap your head around it all.

Also, if you wanna get in on the action and see all announcement when they gets released, talk to the helping community or interact with the IOTA team, join us in the Official IOTA Discord. Link:

