How to make better UX research reports

Frameworks and principles for improving UX Research report writing

Thomas Stokes
7 min readNov 2, 2023

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Reports are a crucial element in communicating your research findings and recommendations to stakeholders. Many UX practitioners want to improve their report writing skills but often don’t have access to dedicated training and enablement.

Fortunately, there are proven frameworks and principles you can learn to become a more effective report writer. These frameworks provide a structured and principled way of creating reports and can be practiced and applied to almost any business communication.

In this article, we’ll review three frameworks you can use to organize your reports logically, write concisely and clearly, and create graphs that supplement your text and add to your key points.

Logically-organized information

The Pyramid Principle is a communication framework developed by Barbara Minto in her time as a consultant at McKinsey. Professionals across various industries use this framework to organize…



Thomas Stokes

UX Research & Digital Strategy Consulting | Co-Founder of Drill Bit Labs. Unlocking Business Success through UX and Digital Strategy. Top writer in Design.