Published inThought-WiredBuilding Thought-Wired BOT ver 0.0: Mechatronics Engineering Summer Internship ExperienceBelow is a blog post by our summer intern, Jono Wong. Jono is a final year mechatronics engineering student at the University of Auckland…May 15, 2017May 15, 2017
Published inThought-WiredWhat a year! Year-end update for 2016 🎅 Thanks for your support 🎆Newsletter; 23 December, 2016Dec 22, 2016Dec 22, 2016
Published inThought-WiredThought-Wired launches PledgeMe Equity campaignNEWS RELEASE: AUGUST 17, 2016Aug 17, 2016Aug 17, 2016
Published inThought-WiredGuest post: How to think like a start-upThis post was originally written by our advisor David Reiss. David is a Principal Consultant with over 20 years’ experience in technical…Jul 28, 2016Jul 28, 2016
Published inThought-WiredBrainLink Lite flexible easy-to-use EEG headband is now available on our store!We are very excited to announce a new addition to our brain-sensing devices product catalogue: BrainLink Lite from Macrotellect!Jan 21, 2016Jan 21, 2016