Code in Move [3] — Unit Tests on Aptos

5 min readJan 18, 2023


Now that you know how to write, deploy and interact with Smart Contracts on Aptos, you will have to go back in the process to implement unit tests! Unit testing is an essential practice in software development, providing a way to ensure that individual units of code (like functions) are functioning correctly. In the world of blockchain and smart contracts, testing is even more crucial as large amounts of money are at stake and are regularly targeted by hackers. Overall, billions of dollars have been stolen due to faulty code. So, testing your code is mandatory!

Move Unit Tests

Aptos uses the Move unit tests, let’s dive into those. To prevent these extra pieces of code from being compiled, they must be preceded by one of these three annotations:

  • #[test] for functions
  • #[test_only] for module and module members
  • #[expected_failure] when the test is supposed to fail

You can add arguments with #[test] and #[expected_failure], if you don’t, #[test] can only be placed on a function with no parameters.

Smart Contract to Test

I wrote a module for minting NFTs and using a Resource Account for the example. I won’t dive into the details because that’s not the purpose of this article, but if you have questions feel free to dm me on Twitter. For now you can just copy paste this into your module. The complete code can be found here.

    use std::error;
use std::signer;
use std::string;
use std::vector;
use std::aptos_coin::AptosCoin;
use aptos_framework::account;
use aptos_framework::coin;
use aptos_framework::event;
use aptos_framework::resource_account;
use aptos_token::token;

// Errors
const ENOT_ADMIN: u64 = 0;
const EMINTING_DISABLED: u64 = 1;
const ENO_SUFFICIENT_FUND: u64 = 2;

// Constants
const COLLECTION_NAME: vector<u8> = b"Pepes";
const COLLECTION_URI: vector<u8> = b"";
const COLLECTION_SUPPLY: u64 = 0;
const TOKEN_NAME: vector<u8> = b"Pepe #";
const TOKEN_URI: vector<u8> = b"ipfs://bafybeihnochxvsv6h43qvg4snenpeasoml66nwxhuiadfzkefix7vbetyq/";
const TOKEN_SUPPLY: u64 = 1;
const DESCRIPTION: vector<u8> = b"";

// Resources
struct TokenMintingEvent has drop, store {
buyer_addr: address,
token_data_id: vector<token::TokenDataId>,

struct PepeMinter has key {
signer_cap: account::SignerCapability,
admin_addr: address,
minting_enabled: bool,
minted_supply: u64,
mint_price: u64,
token_minting_events: event::EventHandle<TokenMintingEvent>,

fun assert_is_admin(addr: address) acquires PepeMinter {
let admin = borrow_global<PepeMinter>(@pepe_minter).admin_addr;
assert!(addr == admin, error::permission_denied(ENOT_ADMIN));

fun init_module(resource_acc: &signer) {
// creates signer from resource account and store PepeMinter under Resource acc
let signer_cap = resource_account::retrieve_resource_account_cap(resource_acc, @source);

move_to(resource_acc, PepeMinter {
admin_addr: @admin,
minting_enabled: true,
minted_supply: 0,
mint_price: 20000000,
token_minting_events: account::new_event_handle<TokenMintingEvent>(resource_acc),

// Admin-only functions

public entry fun issue_collection(creator: &signer) acquires PepeMinter {

let minter_resource = borrow_global_mut<PepeMinter>(@pepe_minter);
let resource_signer = account::create_signer_with_capability(&minter_resource.signer_cap);

// creates and saves a collection under the Resource Account
vector<bool>[ false, false, false ],

public entry fun enable_minting(admin: &signer, status: bool) acquires PepeMinter {
let addr = signer::address_of(admin);
borrow_global_mut<PepeMinter>(@pepe_minter).minting_enabled = status;

public entry fun set_admin(admin: &signer, admin_addr: address) acquires PepeMinter {
let addr = signer::address_of(admin);
borrow_global_mut<PepeMinter>(@pepe_minter).admin_addr = admin_addr;

// public functions
public entry fun mint_nft(buyer: &signer, amount: u64) acquires PepeMinter {
let minter_resource = borrow_global_mut<PepeMinter>(@pepe_minter);
assert!(minter_resource.minting_enabled, error::permission_denied(EMINTING_DISABLED));

// check buyer has sufficient balance
let buyer_addr = signer::address_of(buyer);
let required_amount = minter_resource.mint_price * amount;
coin::balance<AptosCoin>(buyer_addr) > required_amount,

let resource_signer = account::create_signer_with_capability(&minter_resource.signer_cap);

token::opt_in_direct_transfer(buyer, true);

let mutate_config = token::create_token_mutability_config(
&vector<bool>[ false, false, false, false, true ]

let ids = vector::empty<token::TokenDataId>();
let final_supply = minter_resource.minted_supply + amount;
while (minter_resource.minted_supply < final_supply) {

minter_resource.minted_supply = minter_resource.minted_supply + 1;

let name = string::utf8(TOKEN_NAME);
string::append(&mut name, u64_to_string(minter_resource.minted_supply));

let uri = string::utf8(TOKEN_URI);
string::append(&mut uri, u64_to_string(minter_resource.minted_supply));
string::append_utf8(&mut uri, b".json");

let token_data_id = token::create_tokendata(

token::mint_token_to(&resource_signer, signer::address_of(buyer), token_data_id, TOKEN_SUPPLY);
vector::push_back(&mut ids, token_data_id);

coin::transfer<AptosCoin>(buyer, @admin, required_amount);

&mut minter_resource.token_minting_events,
TokenMintingEvent {
token_data_id: ids,

fun u64_to_string(value: u64): string::String {
if (value == 0) {
return string::utf8(b"0")
let buffer = vector::empty<u8>();
while (value != 0) {
vector::push_back(&mut buffer, ((48 + value % 10) as u8));
value = value / 10;
vector::reverse(&mut buffer);

Let’s move on to the interesting part.

Writing Unit Tests

We start by importing two functions that we exclusively need in these tests, and we annotate them. The first one will be used to simulate the creation of an account on an imaginary blockchain and the second to use dummy $APT.

use aptos_framework::aptos_account::create_account;
use aptos_framework::aptos_coin::initialize_for_test;

Then we can create a function to initialize our mock environment and deploy the module. This function takes four parameters:

  • source, the account from which the Resource Account will be derived
  • resource_acc
  • framework, for initializing the AptosCoin
  • buyer

As I don’t want to add parameters to the annotation I have to use #[test_only] because the function takes parameters.

public fun test_setup(source: &signer, resource_acc: &signer, framework: &signer, buyer: &signer) {
resource_account::create_resource_account(source, vector::empty(), vector::empty());

let (burn, mint) = initialize_for_test(framework);
let coins = coin::mint<AptosCoin>(1000000000, &mint);
coin::deposit(signer::address_of(buyer), coins);

In order, we create two accounts for the publisher and the buyer, as well as a Resource Account to contain the smart contract. Then we initialize and mint some $APT and give them to the buyer. Finally we destroy the two Capabilities because they don’t have the drop attribute. init_module obviously corresponds to the publication of the module.

Now we will write the function triggering the test. For this one, we use #[test] with parameters. It also has one extra argument: admin, which will issue the collection.

Important: you can’t use random addresses for source and resource_acc since the latter is created from the first one. Use the ones in Move.toml.

#[test(framework = @0x1, admin = @admin, source = @source, resource_acc = @pepe_minter, buyer = @0x123)]
public entry fun normal_process(framework: &signer, admin: &signer, source: &signer, resource_acc: &signer, buyer: &signer) acquires PepeMinter {
test_setup(source, resource_acc, framework, buyer);
assert!(exists<PepeMinter>(@pepe_minter), 22);
mint_nft(buyer, 2);

We start by calling the function written previously. By deploying the smart contract, the Resource PepeMinter should be created and move_to the Resource Account. This is what we check with assert! (22 is a random error code). Then we create the admin account, issue the collection with it and mint a NFT with the buyer account.

The two last lines allow us to log important information that we can use to verify that the test was successful. Usually we use assert! as it returns a boolean and we don’t have to interpret the result (test fails or succeeds), but I like to see numbers to be sure I get what I want. The last line should be this:

assert!(aptos_std::debug::print<PepeMinter>(borrow_global<PepeMinter>(@pepe_minter)) == 2, 2);

To Conclude

This article is the last one about Aptos (for the moment), in the next episodes we’ll learn to ride the Sui wave so stick with me. In my opinion Sui is much more promising than Aptos (which is already great from many points of view) and the Sui Move framework shows a real effort from Mysten Labs to improve the developer experience.

Join my journey on Twitter to build the decentralized internet and become a better dev or just a more enlightened Web3 enthusiast. Also, check out my other links!




A seeker of truths in the realms of (broken) technology, society, and nature. Follow a blockchain engineer trying to broaden horizons.