Latest Updates: 2019–03–05

2 min readMar 5, 2019


Dear reader,

First of all, thank you so much for using ThreatMiner and apologies for the slow progress on adding new features and bug fixes.

New Features

We are very excited to announce two new features added to ThreatMiner today, both of which were suggested by @bartblaze:

  1. IOC defang operators removal: ThreatMiner will now automatically strip out whitespaces and the following special characters in a given search term — <>[](){}
  2. Search APTNotes within a specific year: Users can now perform full text search on reports published within a specific year.

For example — using the query "aptnotes:sofacy year:2017", the user will arrive at the following page which shows the reports that were published in 2017 and mentions the word "sofacy":

Bug Fixes

In addition, a few bugs have been fixed:

  1. OSINT Sidebar: Thanks to @rattis who reported this bug, the OSINT sidebar showing Google search results for a given search term is now back up and running.
  2. Domain name search case sensitivity: Thanks to @marengz for reporting this bug which is now fixed and all searches are now case insensitive.

ThreatMiner is under active development and so there are plenty of more changes on their way. To get an idea of the changes proposed, please checkout our roadmap:

If you have any feedback/suggestions, please definitely get in touch with us either via email to[ a ]gmail{dot}com or sending a direct message to our Twitter handle @threatminer.

Thank you again for using ThreatMiner!

ThreatMiner Team

P.S. Please consider making a donation to support the operating costs of running ThreatMiner:




A search engine for fast #threatintel research & network infrastructure discovery with context.