Jeff Jenkins
2 min readFeb 15, 2018

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Shooting

My heart completely aches for the families and friends of those affected during this act of violence conducted by an obviously damaged man. The school had previous threats by him and he was even expelled from this school for other misconduct.

Once again we find ourselves faced with a horrible act of violence and before families can even begin their grieving process it is politicized.

I, for one propose we get together the out of work Veterans and let them serve once again, giving them purpose and a chance to serve their communities now. Place armed, plain clothes Veterans in schools with the sole purpose of protecting the school from attack. Sheriff’s Office SRO’s (Student Resource Officer) are usually complacently awaiting someone to come and get them for a fist fight or something else on campus, usually hanging out in the offices.

Take the Veterans that want and need life direction and a feeling of service, and use that to protect our children in schools everywhere!

I’m sure more than enough vets would even volunteer to cover shifts at schools in their areas. We can solve this ourselves, WITHOUT the big federal government getting involved. This isn’t a gun issue, this man was obviously damaged, and people ignored signs from previous events before expelling him.

People need to be proactive and take a stance and stop being so afraid to offend someone, IF YOU SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING.