Violence against water protectors at #NODAPL increases during inauguration week (VIDEO)

Three Sonorans
TSON News by Three Sonorans
3 min readJan 22, 2017

Video posted to Facebook by Curtis Ray Yaz with the comment:

They ran towards us shooting “less lethal” (Not as lethal, but still capable of being lethal) rounds at us while charging on snow machines, picking off people and dragging them back across the bridge. When I ran up the hill I heard 3 shots and was sure they were for me, right then I looked to my right and a brother was on the ground screaming curled into a ball. Then the tear gas came. #NODAPL #WeAreStillHere

Nat’l Guard, LEOs deliberately fire point blank to maim water protector.
When the US imprisoned our people on these military reservations the majority of us gave up, for good reasons. Mothers, children & elders came first so strong people made hard choices to stop fighting. Some refused to give up though. They stayed fighting until the end. There’s a lot coming down for the camp these next few days. The front line is not a place for non-warriors. Our people are unarmed, NonViolent and being fired upon at will. National Guard, LEOs, DAPL are coming into our side of the bridge to terrorize us. When we went on horse raids, on a war party, on dangerous expeditions, those who were not highly capable of agility, risk & strength simply did not come. Respect that. Our brothers & sisters have taken many “less lethal” bullets. Our bro has a hole in his leg from last night. We will make sure they get feathers. They’re earning them. They are sacrificing. We will join them. This is a call out for self sufficient, able bodied, mobile protectors to come join the front line. If you would come if you had a place to stay please message us. You must be disciplined, non-initiators of violence or provocateur behavior.

Later that night he posted:

Everybody in the crew made it back, shot up, maced, tazers shot at, de-arrested, sent to the hospital, taken away by medics . . . and we still laughing our asses off about all of it while we “debrief.”

We finished our third night of actions with smoked pipes, smudge and song. It’s hard out here but there’s beauty in the struggle, it’s up to you to find that shit and love it. #NODAPL

Just moments after becoming the 45th president of the United States, the White House was quick to scrub the Native American web pages from their website.

Change is inevitable when a presidential administration occurs. Within hours of the presidential transition, the White House, now under the control of President Donald Trump, took down the Native Americans web page that was part of the Obama White House website for the past eight years.

Also gone from the Trump White House website are web pages on civil rights, people with disabilities and climate change.

Originally published at TSON News.



Three Sonorans
TSON News by Three Sonorans

Three Sonorans covers activist and progressive news for Tucson and Arizona. Ethnic Studies, SB1070, and the the epicenter of the new Civil Rights Movement.