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It’s Not Tooooo Many Contents — I Became a Top Writer With Few Articles Published

T. A. Adam
4 min readMay 5, 2023


Valuable contents has a hidden magic!

There’s no problem with ‘the algorithm’ — you are the problem!

For real for real; if you did not understand the algorithm of your own nature, how would you understand the algorithm of a ‘machine’?

The permissionless creator economy is growing rapidly. Some may sink in the crowd while some will fight their way out through some of the tricks I’m about to show you now.

Those who win or fail are those who understand their nature of writing; when to do it, how to do it and to whom you’re doing it. That’s it. That’s the fact. You need to understand your own self first before you blame the algorithm.

And I got that tag because I understand mine. And that’s why I’m trying to tell you what I figured out.

Screenshot by me
The second top writer tag I got! Both tags from 18 articles only.

Many creators are arguing when it comes to contents creation.

  • Should I publish/upload everyday? Or,
  • Should I make a good, important content no matter how long it may take?

I stick to the second option, do the research, add value no matter how long it’s going to take.

In fact, why would I waste my reader’s time and waste mine?

Giving out what other creators have already did is absolutely, extremely and totally waste of time. I mean it. And you know it.

On my journey, there are certain things I adopted within my articles that helped me archive the top writer tag from very small number of articles published.

Some content creation tactics are open, you can copy from top creators while some certain things are hidden— you’d never realize it unless you think deeply and study....

The ultimate goal you need to focus on isn’t just publishing daily or twice a day.

Here are five main things I’ve applied that has did the magic for me:

1. Studying the 1%, escaping the 99%

Most writers love to copy the trend — I hate that!

Have you ever notice?

You hardly see the second copy of Tim Denning’s cover image on Medium, used by someone. If you search on Unsplash, you hardly see it. You search on other writer’s articles, you won’t see it…. never.

Top creators love to use a cover image that is unique from the trend. And not just images, writing style also.

I do spend a lot of time analyzing and examining how they do it, when they do it and why.

Pick one top creator that suit you, walk in his/her shoe.

2. Tag

Do not play with it. It is the biggest thing.

Think of the right tag to use. A tag that is less competitive but meaningful and relevant to your article.

You can measure that on the 'topic' bar that appears after you search for a word. Look at the number of posted articles and the number of the topic followers.

Good grammar 😉

3. Headlines

Run away from clickbait, your audience will feel like hanging you at the end of read.

Because you said something you fail to fulfill.

When Medium sent to me the inbox of the top writer tag, they said only ‘three articles made an impact’.

That means among all those 18 articles, three are the ones that win the trophy?

You don't need HUGE number of views to get it.

Yes. Yes. Yes. They did. But that left me surprised. There’s an article with only 25 views.

What if those were the only articles I published, would they still make me a 'top writer’? Just three articles published on my shelf?

Yes, because that’s what the staff saw in them. There must be something in them.

I started searching and analyzing and examining them. And very soon I’ll release the whole secret to you, my friend....

Be your own top writer. Be your own top voice. Be seen on the top page of topics.

REMEMBER: I usually write more than seven different headlines before I choose the one that stands out — Spend your time on the headline.

Do you think someone may choose an old, scattered 1906 abandoned car over a brand new Ferrari? Nooooo.

Do you know why?

People choose things from the sight. What they see. How they see it. How beautiful it is. That’s all. That’s what we do.

And that’s what your audience does too.

Even if that brand new Ferrari had no petrol while the old one’s full of energy, no one’s going to choose that old... Hardly, or would you?

So, use enough time and design your headline, it is what readers see first.

Note: [This article was not written to change your perspective on how you see quality over quantity. Neither was it to make you stop publishing everyday, like most NW do. Mix both resources (valuable content & showing up) and you’ll become UNSTOPPABLE!]



T. A. Adam

My articles are for those with dreams to be successful— or grow your Medium account. I'll help you! I am a writing coach and freelance copywriter - Try me!