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One of These Five is What Stops You From Growing as a Content Creator

T. A. Adam
4 min readMay 17, 2023


It is what you’ve never thought!

A content creator’s fight is not in generating ideas.

There are plenty of obstacles out there that has killed and still killing the growth of most creators.

Take an example with me, Thuman: weeks ago, I had absolutely not a single Top Writer Tag (TWT) from Medium. I had few followers. I barely had good number of viewers.... you know…. things were not going the right way I planned.

Suddenly, I shifted my thoughts, my vision and my mindset.

I began to look around my writing portfolio and the way I write. There’s a huge mistake. Many mistakes.

That’s when I realised this:

I wasn’t growing, improving and moving in my creatorship career due to some setbacks holding me back. Stopping me. Hindering me from rising.

I challenged myself and believed it has happened and I’ll never let it reverse itself.

I made a new plan. Launched a new schedule and began new preparations.

Within one month I changed everything: Medium gave two top writer tag in less than ten days (remember, I had not even up to 100 views on some articles that made me a Top Writer). I made it to 1000+ followers milestone. I coached other writers get there.

That’s me. That’s my own life. Now, take yourself as an example.

You have the idea, the knowledge, the passion and time to do what it takes to grow your creatorship career as a writer or video uploader.

Sometimes, you’re working as hard as you can, as strong as possible. But you wonder: “Why the F am I not growing? What’s wrong with me?”

To be honest, ALL creators have been through these same feelings.

I analyzed and figure some of the minor, unseen and forgotten obstacles that stops most creators from growing.

Here are 05 things which at least right now you’re struggling with one.... Fight it. Defeat it. And you’ll grow incredibly!

1. Carelessness

‘It’s hard to keep moving when you aren’t seeing immediate results.’

That’s what you think?

I don’t think so. Here’s why;

Is it hard to eat food? Is it hard to watch or enjoy night? Is it hard to, to, to— come on, my friend.

Your problem is ‘carelessness’. You don’t care about the career so much.

Stop considering the results now, focus on the work it takes to see the results.

When you care about it soooo much sooooo much more, you’ll find a way out.

2. Doubts

Too much of editing and proofreading lead to this.

I never knew I had an idea in my small head that can make me a Top Writer until the time I published it.

Several times, you write the article but your problem is you always feel like you need to edit more, proofread more so it will look more professional.

Don’t you think there might be someone out there right now who had the same idea like yours?

There are millions of people who has the same idea or even more creative than you. And you keep doubting yourself?

Thinking like you’re the only one who get that! Thinking that the world is waiting for you!

Hmmmm, you’re not alone, Buddy.

The more you doubt yourself, the less chances of improving.

3. Dabbling

There’s not a footballer who can aim and shoot hundred balls at a time!

Here’s what’s funny;

You start writing an article, you had the idea, you had the skill, you had what it takes. But suddenly another idea comes and you’d suddenly hop on that without finishing the previous.

Image illustration made by the writer

You’re dabbling on many things! You need to focus on one aim if you really want to score that goal.

4. Unplanning

There’s not a single person or brand that’s successful without a strategy.

Image made by author

Another thing is not having a proper plan.

You just feel like writing, you write. You start writing but feel like tired, you postpone.

You get an an idea, you write. No idea, no writing.

That’s soooooo much frustrating. You need to let your brain know that there’s a particular task at a particular given time. So, when you come, you’ve already have a hint of what to start with and where to start.

The more plans you plan and stick to, the more incredible growth you’ll find in your life.

5. Reliance

You rely on other creators.

Most new creators find it difficult to come up with ideas. Then they fall into the trap of plagiarism without knowing it.

Waiting for someone in your niche to publish to get an insight won’t get you anywhere. Try as much as possible to come up with yours.

You may make mistakes, but those mistakes are what teach you a new perspective. A new idea!

REMINDER: {This is only an advice to those who wants to improve their career. Therefore, you are advised to make more thorough research and apply what you learn for yielding better results.} — T. A. Adam



T. A. Adam

My articles are for those with dreams to be successful— or grow your Medium account. I'll help you! I am a writing coach and freelance copywriter - Try me!