Endomorph, Ectomorph, Mesomorph — Which One Are You?

5 min readAug 18, 2017


There is so much gray area in the health and fitness space. Many opinions lead to many confusing thoughts. In this post we cover the three somatotypes and whether or not they play a key role in your health and fitness progression.

Endomorph, Ectomorph, Mesomorph — Fact or Fiction?

This image above depicts the three main body types of people according to American psychologist WIlliam Sheldon. He first coined the ideology behind “somatotypes” back in the 1940's.

From left to right — the Mesomorph, the Endomorph and the Ectomorph.

Sheldon’s theory (which was considered a fallacy) of constitutional psychology was an attempt to tie both somatotypes and human personality traits. He believed that a person’s temperament or morality could be determined based on their body type.

If William Sheldon initially theorized a person’s physique can determine their mental characteristics, then why do these terms get used in fitness magazines or by fitness gurus?

This is a great question.

Imagine the ridiculousness of the claim that based on your body type you may be predisposed to certain mental characteristics.

Before we answer that question, let’s dive a little deeper into each of the 3 somatotypes.


In the image just above you can see the body type of the somatotype “Mesomorph”.

The Mesomorph is considered the holy grail of all somatotypes. Sheldon identified mesomorphs as having an athletic build — wide shoulders, thin waist, and a muscular physique.

Mesomorphs are categorized in the fitness industry as the lucky person who can put on muscle and lose fat easily, the jock, the person with the best genetics, etc.

If you were born a Mesomorph it will be easy pickings for you when it comes to health and fitness. You’ll be able to adapt and adjust to any condition you put your body under.

Trying to lose fat? Easy.

Trying to gain muscle? Piece of cake.

But, is it true?


When it comes to losing fat, for an endomorph it’s not very easy. Endomorphs are known for their shorter stockier builds.

According to Sheldon, endomorphs were round, had under developed muscles and struggled adapting their bodies to change.

The Endomorph is the exact opposite of its Ectomorph counterpart. For Endomorphs, putting on weight seems easy enough.

Looking at the opposite side of the spectrum we run into the Ectomorph. Everyone has a cousin or sibling like this in their family.


Oh ectomorph, why does achieving any “gains” in the gym come so hard for you?

There is actually another term for ectomorphs in the fitness world and that is “hardgainers”. For these “hardgainers” it seems almost impossible to put on some muscle.

Ectomorphs are classified as having fast metabolisms, smaller joints, a narrow frame and often look skinny and fragile.

So with all of this classification and identifying with certain somatotypes we have to ask the most important question.

Is The Hype of Somatotypes True?

Even though it may be convenient to lump yourself into a somatotype based on your physique and use it as reason to not work hard past a certain point — i.e

“I’m an endomorph, i’ll probably never be able to get past X pounds because of my genetics”

I highly recommend taking specific training routines or diet plans based on somatotypes with a grain of salt.

Some common recommendations with somatotype training concepts are:

  • Endomorphs should stick to low carbs, eat small meals, and train in the higher rep range
  • Ectomorphs should load up on the carbs and limit cardio
  • Mesomorphs should stick to 8–12 repetitions and do cardio 1–2 times a week

I’ll admit when I first started working out, I bought into somatotypes.

To be honest, how can you not buy into it.

It was easy for me to use the excuse that I struggled to lose weight because I’m an endomorph, when it was actually due to my shitty diet and lack of exercise.

Fast forward a couple of years later and I completely transformed myself from an endomorph into a mesomorph!

Thankfully I was smart and followed the advice to use high reps and devoid my diet of carbs to change my somatotype!

Just kidding.

The reality of the topic is this:

Sure, there are genetic differences between all of us. One person may find it easier to put on muscle or lose fat compared to someone else, but somatotypes don’t and shouldn’t determine how you eat or train.

Tailoring your fitness approach within specific guidelines because of a preconceived classification will limit your potential.

There are plenty of “frail” ectomorphs who are very strong and endomorphs who put the “under-developed muscles” stereotype to shame.

Somatotypes are nothing more than a fitness caste system set in place back in the 1940’s before we had the actual research to debunk false claims.

Closing Thoughts on Somatotypes

Somatotypes can provide a reasonable blueprint and perspective for a beginner looking to improve their physique.

A heavy endomorph looking to lose weight can find success with both cutting carbs and training with higher reps.

A “frail” ectomorph who struggles to gain weight may benefit from following a more nutrient dense diet plan that details how many macronutrients you should take in each day.

A mesomorph physique can be achieved by anyone with the right amount of effort, guidance and time.

Don’t let somatotypes be a limiting reason to why you can’t lose weight or put on any muscle. There is no scientific backing to the taxonomy of somatotypes and its ability to dictate a person’s potential in developing their physique.

Whether you are an ectomorph, endomorph or mesomorph you should know that with the right (or wrong) nutrition and training you can become any of the other types.

Somatotypes are nothing more than an attempt at creating a fitness caste system that groups people into a class based on appearance.

Myth Debunked.

If you want to work with us on developing the best training and nutrition plan tailored specifically to you. Check out ThunderFit 180º.

If you’d like to continue the conversation, comment below and let me know what’s on your mind.

Originally published at www.thunderfit.com.




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