How to get hair toner fast and easy

Marina Fancello
3 min readSep 18, 2020


Have you seen any pictures on the internet or on television and decided to change the look? This is very common! Who never right ?! Then you went there, bought the paint of the color you wanted and decided to apply it to the locks. However, it was a pleasant surprise. When washing and drying he realized that it was completely different from that “inspiration”. Beat a desperation when it happens right ?! But the good news is that if you only used toner, removal is possible. Are you curious to know how? Read the text and find out how to remove hair toner . For further details, go here: soap cap

Believe! Use only shampoo

The shampoo has powers you can’t even imagine and, for sure, will be your best friend at that moment. But beware: your hair will hardly be perfect overnight, okay ?! Everything will depend on how much your threads absorbed the paint, how much they were discolored underneath, the strength of the toner, and so on. You may be able to clean with two washes, or you may need five, for example. The good thing is that it really works and damages the hair much less.

How to remove hair toner with shampoo — step by step

Learn how to use it right and have amazing results.

  1. Choose a shampoo that has no color protection. If you want more agility in the process, give preference to an anti-waste shampoo;

2. With dry and dirty hair, separate into strands and apply the shampoo. Massage layer by layer to avoid losing any part;

3. Put on a cap and let it sit for approximately 40 minutes. If you want, you can also use the dryer to help fade the color;

4. Rinse with hot water. Ok, it seems strange because the right thing is to always avoid hot water as it damages the locks right ?! But, in this specific case, the hot water will open the cuticles of the threads and make more ink come out;

5. Finally, use the mask and conditioner of your choice to recover the hair.

Important: do this process as many times as you think necessary, but never on the same day did you see ?! Only when washing your hair.

Chemical yeast is also an excellent ally

If the color doesn’t come out at all with the use of anti-residue shampoo, then invest in yeast — the one that helps the cake to grow, you know ?! To do this, simply mix a teaspoon of the ingredient with your shampoo to increase the cleaning power. Then, just rock.

