The Original Tierion Application Is Retiring To Make Way For Proof

2 min readMay 14, 2018

We’re retiring the original Tierion application to make way for a new product we’re creating called Proof. Existing Tierion customers can continue to use the original application at until December 31st 2018. We encourage existing customers and new developers to use Chainpoint.

Tierion Broke New Ground

The original Tierion application has been a remarkable success. When we launched on August 31, 2015, our goal was to deliver the first developer-friendly and scalable technology to anchor data to Bitcoin. We thought customers would find it valuable to use Bitcoin to create proof of their data, documents, and business processes.

A few weeks after launch, our team won the first Consensus Hackathon. Signups shot through the roof. Developers told us they loved how we made it easy to use Bitcoin to timestamp documents, create audit trails for business processes, and use the blockchain to prove the integrity of data. The Chainpoint protocol , which was introduced with the launch of Tierion, was easy for developers to understand and adopt.

Over the next two years we grew our team, raised a seed round with Blockchain Capital, Digital Currency Group, and Fenbushi, and moved Tierion from Hartford, Connecticut to Mountain View, California. Most importantly, we saw thousands of developers use Tierion in ways we never originally imagined.


Chainpoint has become the first widely adopted technology for anchoring data to the blockchain and creating a timestamp proof. Today, thousands of organizations use the Chainpoint protocol. At the time of writing, there are over 7,200 active Chainpoint Nodes running on the Chainpoint Network. Developers can learn more by visiting the Chainpoint web site.

What’s next?

Existing Tierion customers can continue to use the application you know and love until December 31, 2018. We recommend users of Tierion migrate to Chainpoint.

Sometimes to build something new, you need to say goodbye to your original creation. We can’t wait to show you Proof.

