Today was a good day…

6 min readMar 13, 2017


Today was like one of those fly dreams, didn’t even see a berry flashing those high beams… ~Ice Cube

Woke up around 6am this morning and actually wanted to workout. Lately my motivation has not been there, either I don’t go as much or my actual workout has been crappy. These past few weeks I have to basically drag myself to go, so since I woke up feeling in the mood I just went. Not sure if it was because I went to a different gym location (I go to the same gym ALL the time but have access to a few different facilities), my new workout playlist (it was time…), or just the fact that I woke up in a good energetic mood but I actually had a GREAT workout. I was there for almost 2 hours which is long for me. Hopefully this means I am getting back on track.

After the gym I came home stretched, showered and made the best breakfast. I am not a big fan of eggs but I will eat them for breakfast from time to time. They just have to be doctored up I made scrambled eggs with chives, shrimp and lobster meat with sweet potatoe hash browns. I got the recipe idea for the eggs from a restaurant I went to awhile back. It was a special on the breakfast menu and I really only got it because it came with roasted garlic baby potatoes and I wanted those. I ended up liking the eggs more than I thought. I really like seafood though too so that could have been the reason. I chilled out for a minute and decided to watch a movie but without warning breakfast put me to sleep. Lol.

That nap was so good I woke up thinking it was the next day. Did some studying for a couple hours and then I actually had time to jump on my xbox. Its been months since I have had time to actually play it so it felt good to kick back and get it in.

My homeboy called me around 5pm to see what I was doing. Hes always jokingly calling me Haitian or Jamaican so whenever he greets me its in one of those accents.


ME: Wuz good bro..

BRO: Shit, out here riding. Me and babygirl beefing so you know I need to go drown my sorrows at the bar with some drinks and strippers. Come have a few with me.

ME: Lol..smh. Ok, they got food? (Im always

Now my homeboy has been frequent at strip clubs since he was 16. Its his thing. The past few years that I have known him I have only went twice with him. Not really my thing but wutev. So we get there and its like 5 old guys in there. I mean it is Sunday evening. Luckily they had food so I was good. I ordered Lamb chops, which were great! 👌👌👌…I will definitely go back for the food and it wasn’t a bad price. Anyway, of course there are girls walking around and dancing. This isn’t the same place that I have been with him before but I actually liked the vibe. Its different, more like a lounge with strippers or maybe I haven’t been to enough strip clubs to know how they are. At this place the strippers actually chill and talk and kick it with you. Even if you aren’t getting a dance, cuz I sure wasn’ They didn’t do this at the other one, the girls only went to the guys who were spending. Which was cool also, I’m there for food and drinks. Beautiful women + conversation is just an added bonus.

So we are chilling watching the girls that were on stage. So far so good with the performances and they are playing good music. Im enjoying myself. I am full and almost buzzing. A few more girls walk in for their shift and of course the gay one peeped me out quick. Not being conceded but there was not many people there still and I kind of stand Now if she would have approached me anywhere else, and I didn’t know her profession I would have been kinda excited that she even noticed me because she is pretty af, smooth pretty complexion, white teeth with a nice smile and of course her body is banging. But I was at her job 🤔. Now I am not one of those people who thinks that all strippers are hoes and they sleep around for money or wutever. But I’m not in the business of trying to figure it out either. Aint nobody got time for that. I kept shooting down her advances to get my number with lil bs lines but she wasn’t buying it. The whole time that I am turning her down I’m thinking:

My phone was sitting on the table and she noticed that it wasn’t locked when I just swiped to check the time. She grabbed my phone, put her number in AND called her phone so that she had mine. All I could do was laugh. Yea I could have snatched my phone out of her hand but I didn’t. Outside of her profession from what she told me about herself she seemed pretty level headed. I just can’t see myself being with someone who’s shown the whole city their body like that, among the other things they do. So if she does end up calling me, cuz I won’t call her, she’s getting straight friend I know I will go back to get something else off of that menu so I ain’t gonna be rude, I don’t want it to be weird or for her to feel like she can’t talk to me if I’m up there.

Now again I don’t frequent strip clubs but before I left this one chick got on stage and had to be the worst. Like she needs to find another profession. She was dancing like Napoleon I wish I was joking.

We thought she was joking at first because she was staring at me and my boy doing the “robot” when she first got on the stage. We laughed her off and she goes over to the pole and starts humping on it like a lil horny dog. It was not sexy. Then we knew she was serious. She got no money from anyone for the time she was up there. I felt kind bad for her. When she got off the stage she popped up behind me and my homeboys booth to talk to us.

STRIPPER: Hey guys!

We both speak

STRIPPER: You guys want a dance?

BRO: We good right now ma thx.. whats ur name?


Me and my homeboy look at each other like aww hell naw…

ME: Aiight bro, Its time for me to go now…. Lol

She walks away. Why would anyone pick that name? I’m sorry but I don’t want anyone named Poison anywhere near me. I left out of the club before 9pm, cars were pulling up so it was getting busy. My homeboy stayed he will probably be there all night.

Got home took another shower and stretched again because I was starting to feel the effects of that earlier workout. As I was stretching I had sort of a smile on my face. I felt calm and at peace with my day. Nothing went wrong, I had no problems or even laundry to do. Today was a good day….

