Machine Learning Project

3 min readSep 20, 2019


When one first starts coding it can be for several reasons, going from curiosity to simply want to learn a new skill. Whatever your reasons are for wanting to learn a whole new language as well as a new method of interacting with your technology, let me give some personal advice. Unless your planning on making this your career or your planning on making this your soul patios, then don’t do it.

Now I am not saying to give up on your dreams to be the next Bill Gates. But what I am saying is that coding, in general, can be extremely challenging and can require a lot of pastiche. One must be willing to take risks and fail repeatedly. And then must be willing to get up and try again.

As a coder working on a project, failure is going to be your constant companion no matter what you do. The only thing you can do is to persevere and try to tough it out. But when you finally do succeed, saying the feeling is rewarding would be an understatement.

Currently at the moment I have bean working on a very important project. It has to due with machine learning, and to say it has bean difficult would be a understatement. My biggest problem as of late surprisingly isn't the soft ware, no this time its the hard ware of all thing. And the worst part is there is nothing I can do about it. This is because it isn't my computer it belongs to the my school. But in all honesty that doesn't mater right now. As I was saying before my little rant, the computer doesn't seam to be capable of keeping up with my current program. This is due to its ram and graphical capabilities. But in all honesty, I am more of a pc guy then mac, so I have had very little experience with this pacific brand.

Luckily for me the software used in machine learning has bean much easier to pickup rather than trying to rap my head around mac`s. Don`t get wrong it is still incredibly difficult to understand. But if I had to simplify it , I guess you could compare how it acts to a snap chat or Instagram filter. Long stories short the program tracts the individuals eyes and mouth. People usually try to put a image over a individual or object. And surprisingly it is very entertaining to watch and participate in. Originally when I was using and modifying the program, I had intended to overlay a picture of a top hat as well as a monical on to a person. Sadly I had to settle for just a monical because when I tried to program in the top hat I got a mountains worth of zilch. So I had no choice but to scrap the top hat and keep the monical.

To finish this project I had to put a god know how many hours, and even though I am practically dying from lack of sleep. But luckily for me, my hard work may just pay off. So as I finish this long and incredibly disorganized report, I can confidently say that I will always look back at point in my life as the most painful and fun parts of my life.

