Want A Political Revolution? This is Where It Starts!

Tim Black
2 min readMay 7, 2016


Tim Black As Cyrus from the Move “Warriors” by Momo_Pnano

America wants a political revolution. To have a political revolution you must first have a media revolution. No where is the need for a media revolution more obvious than in our political coverage.

Take the Democratic Primaries, during one 16 hour period The Washington Post wrote 16 negative pieces all about Bernie Sanders. One guy. 16 pieces. All negative.

Folks, that’s not journalism. That’s cannibalism.

Our media stinks.

That’s right. Mainstream Media’s been playing soccer all day without using deodorant.

Our media didn’t always suck though. Once upon a time we had this thing called a “Free Press”. We had independent journalists, brave men and women who told tough stories, exposed dirty secrets and held the powers to be accountable for their corruption and lies.

Now, not so much.

Today, American media is controlled by just five conglomerates (Time Warner, Disney, Murdochs’ News Corporation, Bertelsmann of Germany, and Viacom). These five corporations control 9/10’s of everything you consume. If you see it, sing it, read it, hear it or watch it more than likely it’s being ginned up by a corporation who’s steering that story to suit its own agenda.

The powers that be want us divided.

To have a true revolution the people must think for themselves. As long as the media continues to lie uncontested a revolution is very unlikely to happen. We must turn off the Corporate feeding tube long enough to realize the true enemy is not your neighbor across the street, but the CEO’s behind the scenes pulling the strings; then and only then can we talk seriously about a revolution.

Ready. Set. Go! Unplug!

..and oh yeah, #FeelTheBern.



Tim Black

Tim Black keeps you up-to-date on politics, culture, and events impacting our lives