An alarming attack from Wasserman Schultz

Tim Canova
2 min readMay 20, 2016


After another rough week for Debbie Wasserman Schultz, her campaign sent an email to her supporters. You should really take a look. See below.

Not only does it attack our campaign for refusing to take money from corporations or wealthy billionaires, but it accuses people like you of “spinning a web of distortions” about our opponent’s anti-progressive record.

This is further proof that not only do we have her attention, but she is increasingly worried about our growing movement. With just months to go, our campaign needs your support now more than ever.

Make a contribution of $3 to help our campaign fight back against Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s attacks.

Here’s the email from our insider opponent:

— — — Original Email from Debbie Wasserman Schultz — — -

We can’t sit by and allow this to happen.

Debbie is being bombarded. Opponents with their undisclosed, outside money are trying to take her down and kick her out of office by spinning a web of distortions. But we have one thing they don’t. You.

Debbie faces six opponents this time around. One of them raised close to a million dollars, but almost all of the cash came from outside of Florida.I’m not sure if you saw Debbie’s email yesterday, but we need your help, and we need it now. Outsiders are coming after Debbie. You can help us make sure they don’t get the last word by giving any amount you can. Debbie is counting on you.

It’s no wonder Debbie’s opponents attract out-of-state donors. South Floridians know no one will speak up louder on the issues they care about than Debbie.

But that doesn’t change the fact that they’re prepared to spend lots of money distorting Debbie’s record to convince South Florida families otherwise.

We need resources to make sure that voters know the truth. We need to be ready to respond and organize, and that means we need your support. Protect Debbie’s seat by helping us reach our May goal. Chip in $5 to put us on track.

Thank you,

Team DWS

— — — End of Original Email from Debbie Wasserman Schultz — — -

It’s alarming that the Chairwoman of the Democratic Party thinks it wise to attack progressives for funding a campaign with small-dollar contributions. Even so, we actually received more donations in Florida than Wasserman Schultz! It speaks volumes about the kind of leader she’s been for the party when she’s more concerned about contributions of $18 than big donations of $10,000 from Goldman Sachs executives.

If you’re sick and tired of Wasserman Schultz standing with Republicans and huge corporations against progressives and working Americans, then join our campaign in sending a message that our voices will no longer be silenced by the establishment.

I cannot win this election alone. I need your continued help and support to overcome the odds. If you can afford it, please add a contribution of $3 to our campaign now.

In solidarity,

Tim Canova



Tim Canova

Too often elected officials represent special interests — not the people. Let's take back our country and restore democracy.