Another brazen attack from our opponent

Tim Canova
2 min readMay 31, 2016


Moments ago, Debbie Wasserman Schultz unleashed a series of brazen, false attacks against Tim Canova’s career as an advocate for working Americans. At yet another high-priced fundraiser with her corporate donors, she claimed that“my opponent has done absolutely nothing;” all while standing next to an unelected superdelegate that compared Bernie Sanders to Joe McCarthy.

Here is the truth: Tim Canova has spent his career fighting to protect every man, woman, and child from predatory industries like payday lenders and Wall Street bankers. He served as an advisor on financial regulation to Bernie Sanders and helped to draft parts of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform bill, one of President Obama’s signature accomplishments.

What has Debbie Wasserman Schultz been doing? Repeatedly betraying working Americans in Washington to appease her corporate donors. She has helped to undermine the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s work to regulate payday lenders, rigged Democratic primaries to favor more “establishment” candidates, and helped to fast track the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which will kill jobs right here in South Florida.

That’s the contrast in this election. We cannot allow Wasserman Schultz to muddy the waters about Tim’s record. We have to fight back:

Send a message to Debbie Wasserman Schultz by donating $3 today. Let her know that we won’t stand for her lies about Tim Canova and our campaign. We are going to fight back, and we are going to win this election. The truth is on our side.

These are the kind of dirty attacks you would expect to see from a Republican candidate, not a so-called “progressive” leader. But despite these Karl Rove-style tactics, we’re going to remain focused on speaking truth about the issues that matter to voters in South Florida.

Thanks for everything you do,

Team Canova



Tim Canova

Too often elected officials represent special interests — not the people. Let's take back our country and restore democracy.