This would be an astounding accomplishment

Tim Canova
1 min readApr 7, 2016


It’s been four days since we shocked the political establishment by almostout-raising an incumbent as powerful as Debbie Wasserman Schultz. They never believed it was possible that we could come from behind to close the money gap and make this a real race, but we’re proving that grassroots activists have the power to take back our democracy.

And today, we have an opportunity to hit an ambitious goal that will once again shock the establishment — we’re close to raising more than $100,000 raised from 5,000 individual contributions in just the first seven days of the month.

This would be an astounding accomplishment. It will also be difficult to achieve frankly, but we’ve run the math and believe it is possible if supporters like YOU step up today. If we hit this goal, we can prove to the establishment and the media that this campaign is not a flash in the pan — that we are a real movement and we are ready to win.

Add your $3 contribution to our campaign now and we will hit this ambitious goal by midnight and continue our path toward victory.

When thousands of people come together around a common purpose, there is nothing we cannot accomplish. We are truly the grassroots and I’m honored to stand with you in this people-powered campaign.

In solidarity,

Tim Canova



Tim Canova

Too often elected officials represent special interests — not the people. Let's take back our country and restore democracy.