URGENT: DNC removes ban on lobbyist contributions

Tim Canova
2 min readFeb 12, 2016


I entered this election because I believe that our campaign finance laws are fundamentally broken and corrupt. I hate to say I was right, but it has become more clear than ever in the last few weeks that Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the Democratic establishment have joined the Republicans in selling their values to the highest bidder.

Today, Wasserman Schultz and the Democratic National Committee announced that they are reversing President Obama’s ban on accepting donations from federal lobbyists.

At the time, this ban was supposed to be about proving that the Democratic Party was going to stand behind their platform and lead by example. But, thanks to Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the DNC is allowing federal lobbyists to have enormous influence in the inner workings of the only political party that “promises” to reform our campaign finance laws.

My initial idea was to ask you to sign a petition, to try to convince my opponent and the DNC to do the right thing here. But with this latest DNC decision, it’s clear that the Democratic establishment under Wasserman Schultz has been corrupted beyond redemption. The only way to restore fairness to the system is by electing candidates who will not take money from corporate lobbyists and their PACs. That’s why it’s so crucial to defeat Wasserman Schultz in the August primary. If you agree, please step up today by fueling our grassroots campaign with a small-dollar contribution.

Send a powerful message to Wasserman Schultz and the Democratic establishment that we won’t let them auction away our values by giving $10 or more to our campaign.

It is frustrating to watch Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the Democratic National Committee continue to become corrupted by special interests and the billionaire class. After the success of Senator Bernie Sanders in Iowa and New Hampshire, you would think the establishment in the Democratic Party would have learned by now. But apparently they are just too corrupt to see the forest from the trees.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s decision to reverse President Obama’s prohibition on pay to play politics and let the DNC accept donations from corporate lobbyists is a major step in the wrong direction. The way to reverse it is by shocking the Washington establishment in August. I know you’re with me. And I know we’ve asked a lot, but I would not be asking again if the stakes were not this high. We can beat back against the corruption in Congress, and reform our campaign finance laws, but only if we work together as a movement.

I believe victory is possible — please make a contribution today.

Thank you for standing with me,

Tim Canova



Tim Canova

Too often elected officials represent special interests — not the people. Let's take back our country and restore democracy.