A Day In the Life of a Retail Options Trader

Tim Garlick
9 min readJun 3, 2020

What is it like to trade for a living? Trading options can be both exciting and dull and both are good. See how one retail trader spends his day.

I recently came across an article that described a day in the life of a trader. The author trades from Europe, so his or her day is a bit different than mine. Further, the author appears to trade stocks, whereas I trade options for income. I thought it would be fun to document and share my trading day and week to give another perspective.

Monday, 6:00 AM PDT

The alarm on my iPhone goes off. I have the volume set to two bars so it does not wake my wife. Slipping quietly out of the room, I make my way down the hall to my home office where I login to my Mac Pro (with an additional external monitor for more screen real estate) and then into my Schwab account. I launch Schwab’s trader tool, StreetSmart Edge (SSE) and because it remembers my previous configuration, the stocks in my watchlist are pre-loaded in a SSE Symbol Hub panel.

It’s too early for coffee, but I have a pitcher of ice water on my desk to keep me hydrated for the next couple of hours. While I wait for the market to open, I look at several indicators of the day’s direction, including:

  • Dow and SP500 futures



Tim Garlick

Retired from the daily grind and spending my time learning and sharing business ideas that everyone can use to break free of the 9–5 grind.