A better way to sync code?

Timothy Solomon
3 min readSep 4, 2017



My name is Timothy, and I’m one of the software engineers at Lepsta.

LEPSTA stands for “Leading Entity in Professional Services and Technology Advancement”, which basically means we’re really excited about tech. (and Lepsta is slightly easier to say). But more than tech, we’re really excited about the dev community, because what is the point of technology if it’s not bringing people closer together and improving lives?

When we started Lepsta we thought, “How can we make the biggest impact on society, using tech, now and into the future”. We asked “How can we improve the way software is built? How can we empower all the smart, entrepreneurial, people like you to build better software? And how can we make it easier for developers to collaborate all around the world?”

A quick show of hands… do you use git? — you know, the version control system?

…Now keep your hand up if you can confidently do an interactive rebase without help?

OK good, keep reading :)


We realised that Distributed Version Control is the foundation of almost every software project, but the problem is that it is so powerful and complex — it is often misunderstood and used incorrectly. As my alter ego would say.. “With great power, comes great responsibility”. It is no coincidence that 3 of the top 5 questions on stackoverflow are related to git! (last time I checked). https://stackoverflow.com/questions?sort=votes

Don’t you think its crazy that in this day and age, with AI bots and 3D printers and VR goggles, we still have to manually push and pull code from the server and hope that we don’t conflict with someone else’s code? (Because then you would have to admit that you don't actually know how to resolve a conflict, other than manually going through all the files and rewriting most of it.)

Isn’t there a better way?

  • What if our code synced automatically like working on a Google doc?
  • What if I could be warned about conflicts while I’m busy coding, so I could chat to Bob and fix it before it became a problem?
  • What if git was smart enough to know which issue I am working on, and automatically put it in my commit message?

Our goal is to make version control totally invisible; not because there is anything wrong with git, but because if you can focus on building amazing tech without wasting time managing code, and if you can collaborate with someone from Mozambique or Canada as easily as if they were sitting right next to you, then together we can build a better future today, rather than tomorrow.

The answer? EngineOne. It’s our latest product that is going to change the way people sync’ about code. (Its a pun. Git it?) Its still very early days, but we are really keen on helping to build the community and make coding “simpler, better, faster” for everyone.

If you would like to get connected or be a beta tester and be involved with shaping the future, please connect with us on lepsta.com



Timothy Solomon

Coding a better world one line at a time… Ultra runner, healthy living, entrepreneur and coder. Attempting to break out of the rat race.