How Email Signature Marketing became super simple for Digitaleo

Timothée Franc
4 min readFeb 9, 2018


It used to be a pain for Aziliz Blanchet, web-marketer at Digitaleo, to ask her colleagues to change banners in their email signatures. The easy experience makes her one of our very first happy customers and she’s glad to tell you more about it :)

To boost an event communication, Aziliz makes it dead simple for her colleagues to install a signature banner that’ll automagically disappear on February 20th.

What is Digitaleo? 👋

Digitaleo is a plug-and-play platform (Software As A Service) that simplifies the way companies and retailers networks communicate with their customers. The goal is to make customers come in point of sales and to keep them coming back. Many great companies work with them daily to optimize their online and offline drive-to-store strategy, like Nissan, E.Leclerc, Auto Distribution or Group Beaumanoir.

Industry? 💾

Software As A Service (SaaS).

Offices? 🏡
Rennes | Paris | Lyon | Bogota | Madrid.

Aziliz’s Linkedin

Q&A with Aziliz Blanchet, web-marketer at Digitaleo.

💬 What’s the problem you solve using

In a company like ours with many different profiles and backgrounds, not everyone has the same level of proficiency using technology, and the numerous steps to update a Gmail signature banner can discourage many: you have to be careful not to mess up the original signature format, you don’t want to forget to add or update the link on the banner… now lets anyone in the company update it in 1 click and without any mistake. Everything is now really easy and everyone can update their email signature banners faster.

💬 When do you often create a new magic link?

We organize regularly events like breakfasts, meet-ups or we take part in other big events throughout the year. We use the email signature banners to inform our prospects and customers about these upcoming events and invite them to come meet us. The option to set an expiration date to the banners is also very useful to make the banner disappear when the event is over!

💬 What are the main feedback from your colleagues?

All feedback is very positive. It’s really much easier and handy.
The best thing is that people come to thank me for having found this tool!

According to you Aziliz, what is email signature marketing: qualified traffic, branding, internal employee engagement? All 3?

All three indeed. During events and marketing campaigns, we can reach directly our customers and prospects. It is also a way to convey our brand image through a visual that changes from the classic signature. Finally, it is an involvement from the employee who then participate in the communication through their email signature, as they get aware of the upcoming event, and can choose to display the banner in their emails.

How hard was it to implement Any advise for anyone looking to try the solution?

We started with a test within the marketing team with the 10 free credits, to check if everyone could update their banner easily. As it was a pretty fast success, we decided to share it with the whole company, explaining that it would take them a couple clicks to install (literallly two clicks). We remain available if anyone needs help on the first install, but most coworkers succeeded on their own the first time!

👉 You can get premium access to for only 100€ a year.

Premium means you can create as many links as you want for 2K installs.
10 free credits are available when you get started, for your own tests.


Oh no, 3 last things:

(1) “Bien à vous” means “Kind Regards” in French

(2) If you enjoyed reading this story, or if you do like our little product, do not hesitate to clap clap clap.

(3) You can also have a look at our transparent product biography on Medium, which relates how we’ve been building the easiest solution for email signature marketing campaign.

And why not even clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap… ?



Timothée Franc

#Numerique sans conscience n’est que ruine de RAM | exGrowth @iAdvize now indie #SaaS & NGO consultant | Side-projects: @kapsuli, @pitch2kids