Tiny Colony — Game Development Update (04/22/22)

Tiny Colony
4 min readApr 22, 2022


Greetings fellow Colonists!

My name is Ernest Cheung and I have recently joined the Tiny Colony team as their Game Producer. I’ve spent the last 10 years of my career working in the gaming industry, 7 of the last was spent in AAA gaming at my previous company Electronic Arts.

Having always been an avid gamer, but also a crypto enthusiast, I decided to leave my career to pivot into this incredible space with Tiny Colony!

Moving forward I will be taking on the responsibility of updating the community of our progress. This will come in the form of bi-weekly Game Dev updates!

Game Production Organization

The role of the producer is ultimately to provide a layer of visibility into projects which enables the team to make better accurate decisions. With this goal in mind, I have spent the last week creating various tracking tools and dashboards to properly reflect the production progress to our senior leadership as well as our community.

MVP Breakdown

We have broken down the MVP effort into the following epics:
(these epics are further refined into estimable user stories internally)

Scrum and Project Reporting

Based on the epics above, we have broken down our estimations into six two-week sprints.

We are currently wrapping up our first sprint and will continually update the community every two weeks. Here is a snapshot of the current progress.

As you can see, we have just completed the Unity World UI Epic and have begun work on the Buildings, UI/UX, Back-End, and Characters as well! Look forward to more teasers in the next update!

Game Flow — Room Interaction Preview

Now that development has officially begun, we are able to start sharing some in-game screenshots!

Stay tuned next week when we share previews of the building logic!

MVP Testing and Development with Community

When we conclude our final sprint we will be preparing to share our MVP candidate with the community for play-testing feedback! This will be the first chance for the community to actively engage with our game. Your feedback will be instrumental in deciding how our development will proceed for our next release!

The first wave of players will include most active community users, also known in our discord servers as the OGs. If you don’t want to miss out on being one of the very first to experience Tiny Colony, join our Discord now!

Upcoming Character Mint

Make sure you don’t miss out on our upcoming Character Mint on April 28th at 3pm PST, exclusively on Fractal.

Get Whitelisted | Mint Guide | Character Breakdown

In the Base Builder game mode, Character NFTs are an important aspect of defending the Colony. They can be placed strategically throughout the Colony, to try and fend off the Ant Raiders! They want to eat your larva!

All Character Rarity types can participate in the Battle Arena, where you go head-to-head with 5 of your best Character NFTs against another player and fight off hordes of Ant Raiders and win loot! Only the brave should partake in such a challenge!

Characters greatly impact the earning potential within the Tinyverse as well. All Character NFTs can earn XP, Level Up, integrate weapon NFTs and Customization Items, breed, lend, and EARN!

About Tiny Colony

Tiny Colony is an expansive pixelated metaverse and construction and management simulation game designed for the Solana blockchain. Players can earn in-game currency by building and running an effective ant colony, battling with other colonies and wagering in community events.

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About Fractal Marketplace

Fractal is an open marketplace for gaming NFTs. Blockchain gaming companies are able to list NFT drops for durable in-game assets and safely sell directly to players. Players are able to discover new NFT games, buy NFTs and resell their NFTs. Fractal is founded by industry veterans Justin Kan, Robin Chan, David Wurtz, and Mike Angell.

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Tiny Colony

A pixelated realm of highly advanced, humanoid ants fighting for survival and the growth of their colony, fantastical creatures and lore filled with epic tales.