Tiny Colony: The Lore Part One.

Tiny Colony
6 min readNov 27, 2021


Long ago, a ripple in the fabric of the universe created a wormhole, causing TINY SPIRITS to leak into the underground.

Ant Kingdoms rose from the depths of the earth to defeat the evil tiny spirits of the underworld. The ants soon discovered that the spirits hold a godly energy that would bring prosperity to whoever could harness it.

The renowned Ant Kingdoms of PERSIA, the SAMURAI and the VIKINGS, all seeking this POWER for themselves and battling one another along the way, send their Nobles on missions scouting for the evil tiny spirits to defeat them and bring their extraordinary abilities back to their colonies. A Noble that is able to achieve this arduous task gains the highly desired title of ‘ELDER.’ They not only get to keep a portion of the energy for themselves, they will forever be treated like royalty in their respective colonies.

Some Nobles, upon defeating a spirit and gathering their energy, recognized the true power of the spirit energy and decided to never return to their home, keeping the energy for themselves. Some of these Ants formed a group called the Sorcerers, who now dedicate their lives to protecting the spirits from the Ant Kingdoms.

The Samurai

The SAMURAI ant kingdom was one of the most resilient kingdoms of the underground. Their strength in honor and culture resulted in a vastly interconnected set of communities. Emperor Hotaru, the leader of the Samurai Ants, discovered the power of the spirits through the kingdom’s daily meditations. The joined energy of the community had a greater reach to the spirit world than any other ant kingdom.

In his journey to connect with the spirit world, Emperor Hotaru was contacted by the Elder Ant Spirits. The Elder Spirits, seeking protection from the Persians and the Vikings, made a deal with Emperor Hotaru. They offered the Samurai kingdom peaceful passage to the other side in return for eternal protection. Emperor Hotaru, valuing the afterlife and eternal peace for himself, his family and his kingdom, happily accepted the Spirits’ offer.

The Emperors’ new found spiritual awakening left him isolated from the other leaders. In time, his alliance with the Spirit World proved to be the Samurai Kingdom’s demise.

The Persian Empire

The Persian Ant Empire was one of the largest ant colonies of the underground. Their strength in numbers out-scaled any other empire. Their unmatched strategy in battle kept other kingdoms distant, allowing the Persian Empire unchecked growth. At the core of the Persian Empire was the Fire Temple. There, the colony tended to an everlasting fire for thousands of years as a beacon of the Kingdom’s achievements. The fire died once the spirits breached through, their presence bringing a chilling breeze. As the Fire Temple laid silent, so too did the fire within the hearts of the Empire’s subjects. Slowly, they lost their edge. King Parsyus, the leader of the Persian Empire, desperate, longing for the fire, deployed hundreds of Nobles. The nobles marched towards the spirit world, searching for the source of the darkness, hoping to defeat the evil spirits and bringing the fire back to their kingdom.

Unbeknownst to King Parsyus, some of his Nobles were not as loyal as he thought. Unbeknownst to the Persian Empire, the spirit world was more powerful than they anticipated. Unbeknownst to the Nobles, there were other threats soon to be revealed along their journey.


The Ant Vikings were the most ferocious of the tiny kingdoms. Their intense, intimidating nature always kept the other kingdoms at bay.

Once the Samurai established their alliance with the Spirit World, the Persians and Vikings unified in a mutual agreement. The Samurai would simply be too powerful if they were not stopped. King Hefna and Queen Yrsa, the leaders of the Vikings, sent their strongest heroes with the Persian Army to defeat the samurai. Little did they know, a powerful new faction was now in play: the Sorcerers.

King Hefna and Queen Yrsa, sent down from the heavens by the almighty Odin himself, would not bend to the ways of the Spirit World. Unbeknownst to the rest of the world, the Viking King and Queen were Tiny Demi-Gods, able to manifest ancient Viking gods from Tiny Valhalla whenever necessary.

The forces of life and death collided when the Tiny Wars began.


The Tiny Spirits rose and revealed themselves when they sensed an imbalance in the Tinyverse. They have been present in the fabric of the Tinyverse since the beginning of time itself. They have witnessed all — the light and the dark.

DHARMA, the Elder Spirit and ruler of the tiny underworld, works in mysterious ways. No one has ever seen this spirit. Speaking of its name is blasphemous; its powers have been feared by all for centuries.

There are many types of spirits. Their nature is each defined as an embodied emotion, and each emotion is represented by a spirit. The spirits feed off of the emotions that are felt and experienced by the tiny world.

ASHK, the spirit embodied by the emotion of sadness and fear, charged by the many years of despair throughout the kingdoms, became overloaded with built-up negativity throughout the eons and suddenly discharged, creating the wormhole that leaked the spirits into the tiny underground.


The Sorcerers are powerful noble ants who defeated a spirit and chose to keep its energy for themselves. No matter what kingdom they originally hailed from, they are no longer welcome; to the other ants, they have committed the greatest form of betrayal.

Spurned by their kingdoms, every living faction and even the spirits, the sorcerers were left alone, roaming the underground as supremely powerful tiny beings with no family, no love and no support.

Their solitude only fed their evil intent, quickly making them the most feared beings in existence.

All nobles and heroes were ordered by their kingdoms to eliminate any sorcerer on sight.

The Spirits actively search the tiny underground for sorcerers with the intention of sending them to the darkest prison in the spirit world, Ciṟaiyil.

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About TinyColony

Tiny Colony is an expansive pixelated metaverse and construction and management simulation game designed for the Solana blockchain. Players can earn in-game currency by building and running an effective ant colony, battling with other colonies and wagering in community events.

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Tiny Colony

A pixelated realm of highly advanced, humanoid ants fighting for survival and the growth of their colony, fantastical creatures and lore filled with epic tales.