7 Reasons Why a Remote Job May Be Better for You

We Work Remotely
8 min readMay 28, 2018


From being more productive and ditching the commute to working your own hours sans micromanagement, find out why you may be happier (and healthier!) finding a remote job.

Do you ever dream about working remotely?

Wish you could trade your rush hour commutes and gossipy coworkers for more freedom, higher productivity, and a greater sense of accomplishment?

You’re not alone.

According to a recent survey, 74% of employees would quit their current jobs to work remotely for a different company even if their salary stayed exactly the same[*].

Though working remotely isn’t the right fit for everyone, it may be perfect for you.

7 Reasons a Remote Job May Be Your Best Career Move Yet

Even though every job has its own unique set of pros and cons, there are seven strong reasons for leaving cubicle life behind:

#1. Increase Your Productivity Sans Office Distractions

All jobs have their fair share of office gossip, politics, and needy, complacent coworkers.

But in a survey of over 2,000 adults[*]:

  • 61% blame loud coworkers as the biggest office distraction
  • 40% say impromptu meetings disrupt their workflow
  • 86% feel most productive when working alone

And also in that same survey, 65% of participants thought a remote work schedule would increase their productivity.

So if you think you’d accomplish more without interruptions for birthday cake, solo work may be calling your name.

And don’t worry — working remotely doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll turn into a socially awkward hermit.

Quite the opposite is true actually.

During one Harvard Business Review, researchers noticed it was more common for coworkers to engage in small talk, but when employees worked remotely, they made more of an effort to have meaningful conversations with each other[*].

Another misconception remote work clears up is the notion you have to move to a big city to land the job of your dreams.

#2. Your Dream Job Is Never Too Far to Commute

Always wanted to code for a startup in San Francisco but can’t leave your home in Omaha?

Or do you live too far outside a major city to commute for a higher-paying job?

Neither of these are an issue when you find a remote position.

When you don’t have to be physically present to complete your job duties, you can browse available positions for your dream job all over the world.

If you have a very specific skill set or want to find work in a particular niche, remote work opens up opportunities you may not normally find in your own backyard.

When you decide to work remotely, you’ll never settle for a job simply because it’s close to home — or pass on one because it’s too far.

Speaking of commutes, did you know they may be slowly killing you?

#3. Less Commute Time Could Be Better for Your Health

Commuting to work on the regular has been shown to[*]:

  • Decrease your physical activity levels
  • Lower your cardiorespiratory fitness
  • Raise both your BMI and waist circumference
  • Increase your blood pressure

Here’s the worst part: scientists learned the farther you have to commute, the worse these consequences are for your health.

And The Office of National Statistics in the UK also found that compared to non-commuters, daily commuters also[*]:

  • Experienced less satisfaction with their lives
  • Reported lower levels of happiness
  • Rated their daily activities as less worthwhile
  • Suffered from higher anxiety

When you skip the stressful daily commute, you can use that time to get more sleep, work out at the gym, or practice yoga or meditation at home.

That’s how you start your day off on the right foot.

Plus, did you know the average office worker sits for close to seven to nine hours every single day?

Since our bodies weren’t made for so much inactivity, office workers often have trouble with back pain, digestion, high blood pressure, obesity, and type 2 diabetes.

Sure, you can get a standing desk at your office, but nothing compares to being able to take a walk outside whenever you need a boost of fresh air.

Did you know swapping just a half hour of sitting on your bum with physical activity can reduce your risk of heart disease by 24%[*]?

When you work remotely, you can squeeze in your workouts, take your calls during a walk around the neighborhood, bike to the nearest library to work, or even set up your laptop at the park.

Not only will this help you sneak in more activity time, it also breaks up your day so you’re not feeling trapped at your keyboard until the clock strikes 5:30.

#4. Being Stuck Behind a Desk Just Isn’t You

Sick of living the boring cubicle life day in and day out?

When you work remotely, anywhere can be your office.

Whether you choose to snuggle with your laptop in bed, work at the local coffee shop, or travel the world — as long as you’re connected, you can be at work.

Working remotely also allows you to work where you’re most comfortable.

While some people do better with silence for concentrating, others need the hum of busy bees around to energize their work flow.

Snagging a remote position means you can experiment to see what makes you most productive — or keep switching it up to keep life interesting!

Want to travel more?

As long as you honor your remote work hours and stick to your deadlines, you can work while you’re on the road and no one may even know you’re abroad (aside from your jealousy-inducing Instagram photos, of course).

The ability to weave work life in to whatever your schedule demands is another huge perk of remote work.

#5. The Flexible Schedule to Work Around #Life

You may need to work a flexible schedule if you’re:

  • Still in school or finishing a degree
  • A parent or guardian of a new baby or shuffling the kids around to their various school activities, doing homework, etc.
  • Taking care of a sick or elderly relative
  • Working part-time elsewhere
  • Starting a side hustle that doesn’t currently pay all your bills

Since most remote workers aren’t chained to a desk for a consecutive set of hours, you’ll be able to accomplish more over the course of the day than you used to.

Work remotely and you can run errands or attend doctor appointments and arrange your work schedule to still meet your deadlines.

Instead of clocking in for the standard 9 am to 5 pm grind, for example, you may work from 5 am to 9 am, take a break, and then work again later from 5 pm to 9 pm.

As long as you stay in communication with your team, you shouldn’t have any issues from your higher ups. And that’s another benefit.

#6. You’re Sick of Micromanagement

If you’re an independent, disciplined self-starter, having a boss constantly looming over your shoulder and demanding status check-ins can drain your productivity.

So if you can create structure in your day and stick to a schedule without outside pressure, you may be able to thrive on the independence of working remotely.

On the flip side, if you need an outside force to motivate you, help you budget your work time, or stay focused on the project at hand, remote work may not be your best choice.

So if you prefer working without a babysitter, a move to a remote position may give you the creative and productive freedom your soul has been craving.

And if you’re feeling this way, it’s never been a better time to make a serious change in your career and work environment.

#7. You Don’t Have a Ton of Money to Make a Career Change

Have you ever stopped to think about how much money you spend just to make money at a traditional job?

If you’re working in a corporate environment, you’ll most likely need to shell out money to buy an appropriate wardrobe — and business suits and accessories don’t come cheap.

Then you’ll need to think about transportation. Whether you have a car, use a rideshare app, hop on a train, or use the bike lane, they all cost money at some point.

And if you decide to get a car, you’ll not only need to pay for that huge investment and insurance, you’ll also need to fill your tank with gas to commute every day, which can be a small fortune depending on what you drive and how far you commute.

You’ll also be spending cash for coffees, late lunches, group dinners, and happy hour specials.

Working remotely means you’ll have greater control over your budget because most of these expenses are eliminated.

And you probably have everything you need to start working remotely ASAP, which also lowers your entry point for making a career change today.

So Are You Ready to Find Your Perfect Remote Job?

It’s never been easier to find the remote position you’ve always wanted.

So think about what your dream job actually looks like. Then figure out how many hours per week you want to work (and in which time zone). This will make narrowing down your options much faster.

To check open remote jobs matching your expertise, check out this page now!

When you find a position that sounds interesting, update both your resume and portfolio and craft a cover letter that’s specific to the job posting.

Land your new remote job, start enjoying the killer perks we discussed today, and you’ll be asking yourself why you waited so long to venture off on your own.



We Work Remotely

WWR is the world’s #1 resource for finding and listing remote jobs. Go remote!